Friday, February 20, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Spirituality is Inclusive.2015.0221
Human beings make every difference discriminatory simply because every human being is longing to be a little more than what he is right now. One unfortunate way he has found is to put down the person next to him. It is a very rudimentary mindset, but we have worked like that for a long time and we are continuing to work like that. If there is no sense of inclusiveness in individual human beings there is no way that the systems they create or actions they perform will lead to inclusiveness. If individuals do not experience this inclusiveness, they end up creating every exclusive processes. One basic aspect of spiritual process is that it makes one into an all inclusive human being. At the same time it will hugely equip the individual to be more efficient, more capable, more balanced and in turn more productive. [This material was published in a local paper and was written by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and now it is reproduced for the informative on the members of "sundercircle"]. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Lead Your Field - 2
Some of these rules, when remembered and practiced, have been a complete game-changers for the people and organizations.
* Energy is more valuable than intelligence. Health is more brilliant than gold.
* Where the victim sees  a problem a leader sees an opportunity.
* Don`t wait until you`re successful to work on your optimism. Work on your optimism and you`ll
   become a lot more successful.
* Small daily micro-wins when done continually over time lead to staggering results.
* Be the most honest person in every room.
-Robin Sharma
This appeared in an newspaper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercicle".
Kind Regards.
Sunder Thadani.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Prayer Should Be Short:
2015.0217- How long should one pray for?
You need not pray for hours and hours. Prayers should be short and sincere. It is a false notion that the longer you pray, the holier you are,. Pray for a short time, genuinely and regularly so that the choices you make in your day-t-day life are a result of the strength that you derive from prayer. Some people like to pray for a long periods of time- that is fine, provided it is sincere. Make sure you do not mutter, while your mind wanders everywhere else. Relax, concentrate and be happy when you pray.
Also, you need not visit a place of worship unless you want to encounter group positive energy. Praying at home is extremely helpful because you are cleansing the vibrations of the place where you spend most of your time. so pray wherever you are, in a car, at work, at school, anywhere.But when you pray at home, do try and pray at one specific place. Make that place your shrine by exercising your strong faith and pure motive- written by Khorshed Bhavnagri. [This article was printed in a local paper DNA, and it is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle (more than 4000 at present]. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Monday, February 16, 2015


Mobile Traffic Explosion. 2015.0216
A single smartphone can generate as much traffic as 37 basic feature phone, a tablet as much as 94, and a single 40G tablet can generate as much traffic as 132 basic phones.
Global mobile data traffic grew 69% in 204, reaching 2.5 exabytes per month at the end of 2014, up from 1.5 exabytes a month in 1013. Smart devices represented 26% of the total mobile devices and connections in 2014 and accounted for 88% of the mobile data traffic in 2014. On an average a smart device generated 22 times more traffic than a non smart device. Regards. Sunder Thadani


Mindfulness: 2015.0216
One stops doing any evil when one is mindful, in a state of meditation each moment. Osho observes; Mindfulness means being responsive to every situation in life each moment with total awareness. Mindfulness brings about a revolution in the life of an individual, who walks the path of life with full attentiveness He is able to relax in his awareness and enjoys his freedom by not reacting unconsciously- Swami Chaitanya Keerti. This article appeared in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Adrak (Ginger) | Short Film | By Sahirr Sethhi

Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

What one calls a boring life

What one calls a boring life is what others are happy with.
So I barely drink, don’t touch drugs. Don’t party or sleep around. I refuse to sit all day gossiping about other people. I don’t back stab as a way of enjoyment.
Its called priorities I take pride in my home and keep it clean. I cook, bake, tend to the families veggie garden. I take care of myself and do all the household jobs, like cleaning, dusting, and cooking my own food. I am 84 years of age, a widower since last 14 years and have no kids. I like reading. Writing. Blogging. Video shooting on my mobile phone, and then transferring to my computer to go on the Net trhough my own channel, "sundermumbai".  Being creative. I stay home. I take care of myself by going to bed at a decent hour and sleeping. I like exercising. I take care of my physical and mental health. I am alive and kicking 24 hours and feel good, being the happiest person on earth. 
It all makes me feel more of a kind caring human. A man who says yes to fun with my best friend, my PC, stays home a lot but when I look back I’ll proudly be able to say, "ByeBye Boredom".
Kind Regards.
Sunder Thadani,

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Body and Dharma; There is an anecdote to the life of Buddha. His disciple once came with a seeker. The disciple requested Buddha to help that man grasp the quintessence of Dharma. The visitor had failed in understanding the sermons of the disciple. Buddha then told his disciple, "give him same food first. He is hungry. He`ll understand Dharma only when his stomach has been filled. Talking about Dharma before an empty belly is only insulting it". The goal of Dharma is peace. Mahavir says all apostles who had been and will be have peace as their foundation. Peace should exist at the same time at all levels. If life is disturbed at one level then peace is not possible at the other levels. If the body is disturbed, then the mind is not quite peaceful. Mind perform its actions through body. So, in a sense, only through the body is all Dharma realised.- Roopchandra Jain. This article appeared in a newspaper and is now reproduced for information of the members of, "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Friday, February 13, 2015

blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

Invitation to join and get involved.
2015.0213- Worrying is Futile!
There is power in embracing your day, your situations, your life. Each day brings its share of light and shade and gratitude for the good times is a must. But mostly, this game of life runs on the balance of opposites. So, if you cannot always control the outcome, what is the point of losing sleep over it?
The energy you invest worrying about the results can be utilised in other ways. Plus, we all know that worrying or over thinking about the results has no bearing on the actual outcome. It is the effort you pu in that matter more. So learn to accept the lesser liked events as well because they create pathways for personal growth and strength. This is secret to a full life- Deepa Nanda. This article appeared in the newspaper DNA on 13th February 2015 and is now reproduce for the benefit of its member "sundercircle". This circle has reached its membership to 3500+ and growing by the day. You are welcome to join and share your experience with our members. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani -

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.blogzsunder

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.blogzsunder: India: The current assembly election has created history in Indian politics. the AAP has halted Narendra Modi`s unprecedented run of succ...

sunderblogger: blogspot.blogzsunder

India: The current assembly election has created history in Indian politics. the AAP has halted Narendra Modi`s unprecedented run of success lasting 18 months. But the magnitude of the mandate raises expectation sky-high. The results are an emphatic recognition of an alternative politics that held out the hope of real change to the ordinary citizen. Kind Regards. sunderkt

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle
2015.0219- May You Be Still!
Peace will not come to us by running after the things which the Earth gives and the Earth takes away.  Peace will not come to us by fighting circumstances and struggling against so-called difficulties and misfortunes. Peace will come to us when we ourselves enter into the Great peace of God. And to enter into the peace of God is to relax and is to relax and stand  still- to stand where you are.
Our age is an age of activity. We are busy- and often. I am afraid, fussy. We like to be us and doing; but our doing is distraction. And so we are not at peace with our neighbors- nor with ourselves. Sometimes we need to stand still! Kind Regards. Sunder T

Saturday, February 7, 2015


2015.0207- Finding Happiness; Trivial things in life can be great happiness and satisfaction. The idea of happiness is highly subjective and differs greatly from person to person. for me, happiness is the joy that comes from that beautiful sound that escapes the bat when the ball is perfectly timed (pardon my dramatization)- as I am a keen cricketer. Or the sound of the keys on a keyboard clicking away under the command of where my thoughts lead them. I am of the belief that happiness is the willingness to stay happy contented and lead a satisfied life, no matter what. That is what makes us human. And hope of better things to come, is what keeps us alive. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Friday, February 6, 2015


2015- India- Like the Musk Deer; God is always within our reach, provided you have faith. According to the saint and peoe Kabir the sweet -smelling musk is in the navel of the deer but the deer goes vaily searching for its frangrance everywhere in the forest. In the same way God dwells within us but we search for him everywhere else. A devout prayer from a sincere and humble heart never goes unanswered in the long term. Our offerings to God need not be opulent- a little water or even a leaf if offered with a devout heart will be accepted by God. It is the attitude or the inner-heart that is all important- Indira Satyanarayan. This article was published in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


20150205: Archievers` Routines- I set about seraching for some of the powerful-and sometimes accentric - moves that the best among us make.... * Ernest Hemingway: Up at 5.30 every morning to write. He wrote as a practice, not just when he felt inspired. * Padmastree Warrior (Cheif Technology Officer at Cisco Systems): Regular "digital detoxes" where she unplugs from technology to reboot her brain and replenish her reserves. * Peter Techaikovsky: Daily walks shifted his mindset from the mundane to the original. Neslson Mandela used to walk entire days for the excercise and the mind-clearing effects. * Mick Jagger: Excercises six days a week and includes ballet, pilates and yoga in his regimen. This was written by Robin Sharma in the newspaper, DNA and is now reporoduced for the information of the members "sundercircle". Your feedback will be very much appreciated. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


2015.0204- Learn More- Not all readers are leaders, but all learders are readers,"- Harry S.Truman, 33rd US President Go into the home of almost any wealthy, highly sucessful person and you will find a library of books- sometimes an actual room such as a den or a library, othertimes just lots of bookshelves or stacks on the floor of books that they have read,. In my own case I have read more than 3,000 books in a wide variety of fields that relates to my work as a trainer; speaker, auther; enterpreneur and leader. Reading - and applying what I read- has been a critical part of my success. I consider it one of my most important daily discipline. I read for at least an hour a day- sometimes much more, like when I am on a five-hour plane trip - Jack Canfield [this was appreared in a local newspaper, known as DNA and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 2015.0203- Violence/Non-Violence; Defending the weak is an important form of selfless service, and it is part of karma yoga , or the yoga...


2015.0203- Violence/Non-Violence; Defending the weak is an important form of selfless service, and it is part of karma yoga, or the yoga of action. Use of force, when necessary for this purpose, is completely justified as an indispensable instrument for the securing the desired objective. But any fighting undertaken to defend the weak must be without any selfish motives or hatred if it is to have unalloyed spiritual importance. It resembles, for example, a case of a man who defends a woman being attached by another man for vile purposes- thus saving the woman`s honour and life, and punishing the attacher and making him repent. Or, suppose, an aggressive nation invades a weaker nation for selfish purposes; and another nation, inspired sole by the noble desire of saving the weak nation, resists this aggressiveubvasuib by armed force. Fighting in defence of the wak nation can be called non-violence. Non-violence pure and simple, however, is base on Divine love. Here one sees all as one`s own Self and as such is beyond both friendship and enmity. Never under any circumstances does a single thought of violence enter one`s mind- Mehar Baba. This content appeared in a newspaper called DNA and the same is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle" for public good. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Monday, February 2, 2015


2015.0202- How Prayer Hedlps-4 - How do prayers help us? A: You will experience a solution to illness: If you pray with faith and sincerity, you will be sureprised at its healing power Medicine is important, but nothing in this earthly world can match the power of prayer. If you believe in its power and if you desrves healing, it will be given to you. Make sure that your physical mind is calm and clear and learn to open your subconscious mind more. This will help you receive and accress that healling. You will get the strength to put your spiritual knowledge into action: Having spiritual knowledge is not enough. You may know the difference between right and wrong, but you need the strength to resist temptation and make the right choice. That is what prayer does for you. It gives you the streingh to manifest the will of your subconscious mind. - Khorshed Bhavnagri. This was printed in the newspaper known as DNA on 02 February 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T