Saturday, June 14, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.082

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.082: Sunderblogger.082 Of Passion and Compassion: We know what passion is hence it is not very difficult to understand wha...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.082

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.082: Sunderblogger.082 Of Passion and Compassion: We know what passion is hence it is not very difficult to understand wha...

Of Passion and Compassion:
We know what passion is hence it is not very difficult to understand what passion may be. Passion means a state of biological fever-it is hot. You are almost possessed by biological unconscious energies. You are no longer your own master, you are just a slave.
Passion is lust, compassion is love. Passion is desire, compassion is desirelessness. Passion wants to use the other as a means; compassion respects the other as an end unto himself or herself. Passion keeps you tethered to earth, to mud and you never become a lotus. You start rising above the muddy world of desires, greed and anger. Compassion is a transformation of your energies.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani

Trust is an inner eye. Just as the two outer eyes are for seeing the universe, there is a third eye inside whose name is trust. The eye of trust means the eye of love.
If you love someone you will see certain things in the person what no one else will see. That sweetness delicate and the touch of love are needed for it, only then is it revealed. You will hear the echo of a song in that person that no one else will hear. You will hear it one has to come closer that anyone else has come. Only you are that close.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.

Subject:  Mind Made Scale
Duality divides. Oneness unites. When we think, we divide ourselves. Thought creates a duality or division- by a `mind made scale` for measurement of good or bad, pain and pleasures, more or less; virtue or vice. Thought varies with time, space individual and object. It creates diverse situations and options. Each person often led to “KARMA” by invisible thought force that drops from the Universal Reservoir of Un-known or Universal thought and karma projects I-ness as distinct from Oneness.
In domain of bodies and flesh, Karmic debits and credits accrue. This apparently symbolizes God-human relationship as a balance sheet. In affairs of body, mind, soul, Nature, time and space, balance sheet cannot be annualized. Settlement of `Karmic` credit an debits of past lives-that may be good or bad- can be done through retribution [payback] in subsequent life forms or when debit waived.
Good thoughts or `Karma`, from spiritual point of view, take consciousness inward and upward. Negative thoughts or bad `Karmas` have tendency to pull mind downward and outward. This is the broad distinction for determining what is `good` or `bad`.
Our own good Karmas and medication may create conditions for that Oneness. But `primordial sin` or separation is forgiven, when Divine act of mercy takes place. Call it grace, or by any other name. It is then that `Karmic` debits and credits are wiped out relationship with flesh finishes, duality dies and Oneness attained.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.079

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.079: Sunderblogger.079 Fear has many names like dread, worry, panic, anxiety, and it manifests itself in varied ways as ...


Fear has many names like dread, worry, panic, anxiety, and it manifests itself in varied ways as in avoidance, procrastination, perfectionism, judgment, control, agitation and violence. Fear usually prevents us from living up to our true potential. Whether we are afraid of the dark, of being abandoned, failure, commitment, flying or public speaking, fear can affect nearly every decision we make.
Fear is part of the problem, sometimes fear is the problem- but when are really paying attention, fear is usually part of the solution.
We easily forget that fear is an essential part of our nature; an alarm system there to get out attention, to push us out of harm`s way. We need to learn to distinguish between unhealthy or neurotic fear that holds us back, and healthy fear that helps us to move on. Unhealthy fear is persistent, exaggerating and even inventing potential dangers; healthy fear stands guard responsibly informing us immediately of real danger.
It is only through facing, exploring, accepting and responding to fear that we free ourselves from its paralyzing grip. If befriending or embracing our fear seems too much, then as a first step, one can simply acknowledge it.
Best Wishes,
Sunder Thadani

Friday, June 13, 2014

Should India create a sovereign wealth fund? India has foreign exchange reserves of around $280 billion. The practice at present is to invest these funds in sovereign debt instruments of the world`s strongest economies, reshuffling the portfolio to minimize exchange rate losses. The return on such assets is ridiculously low, and is slated to remain low for some time. The opportunity cost is huge. The catch is the integrity challenge.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Subject: Social relationships.
Having good social relationships- friends, marriage or children – may be every bit as important to a healthy lifespan as quitting smoking, losing weight or taking certain medications.
People with strong social relationships were 50% less likely to die early than people without such support.
A lack of social relationships was equivalent to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.
Having low levels of social interaction was equivalent to being an alcoholic, was more harmful than not exercising and was twice as harmful as obesity.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.077

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.077: , Sunderblogger.077 One of the favorite sports of India`s middle classes is bureaucracy bashing. It is an easy game ...

One of the favorite sports of India`s middle classes is bureaucracy bashing. It is an easy game to play and can be quite a lot of fun. Everyone has their favorite, outrageous story about an encounter with the bureaucracy. The inefficiency, corruption, insensitivity, stupidity and Kafkaesque circularity of bureaucratic procedures and rules are legendary. That India`s bureaucracy is one the most stifling and difficult to deal with has now been revealed in a survey. Over a thousand expatriate business executive rated India`s bureaucracy the most annoying in Asia.
The problem with India is no, as we in the middle class imagine, that we have too many idle and corrupt bureaucrats.  The problem is that we have too many rules and regulations and too few officials to implement and monitor the regimes, and bring to book those who flout the rules and regulations. As India`s population grows, the disequilibrium is only going to grow: more rules and regulations to be applied to more and more people by a bureaucracy that is not high enough.
A conclusion: either we expand the bureaucracy or else the government will gradually wither away to the point that India will join the ranks of failed states. That would be a calamity for the Indian people.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.

Subject: Intellect and Intelligence.
We spent lot of time acquiring intelligence at the expenses of developing intellect.
Intelligence is built by gaining information, knowledge from external agencies, from schools and universities, teachers and textbooks. The intellect is developed through your individual effort by exercising the faculty of questioning, thinking and reasoning. Not accepting anything that does not admit logic or reason. Know the difference between the two.

Not realizing the importance of the intellect in life, people make no attempt to develop their own. Instead, they merely indulge in acquiring intelligence through surface reading of others` periodicals and publications. Education has lost its meaning and purpose. For generation’s human being have turned into intelligence robots and are traversing through life without awareness, much less inquiring into the meaning and purpose of life.

The world today is in a state of chaos due to the perversion in human development- all intelligence and no intellect. That explains why even highly educated business-persons, professionals and scholars become alcoholics, are short-tempered and succumb to worry and anxiety. It is the mind that loses its temper. Again, it is the mind that constantly harbors worry of the past and anxiety for the future. When the intellect remains undeveloped and weak, it is unable to control the vagaries of the mind. Those having developed a powerful intellect, with or without academic distinction, can hold the mind under perfect control and direct action to spell success and peace in life.
The educational systems the world over must be held responsible for the debacle of the intellect. Only by maintaining this essential equation can governments be run, business conducted, professions practiced and families live in peace and prosperity.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074 : Sunderblogger.074 One of the essential problems of our society is that we have a te...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074 : Sunderblogger.074 One of the essential problems of our society is that we have a te...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074: Sunderblogger.074 One of the essential problems of our society is that we have a tendency, amid all the craziness t...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.074: Sunderblogger.074 One of the essential problems of our society is that we have a tendency, amid all the craziness t...

One of the essential problems of our society is that we have a tendency,
amid all the craziness that surrounds us, to lose sight of what is truly
human in ourselves, and that includes our own individual needs.
Those very special, mostly non-material things, that would fulfill us,
give meaning to our lives, enlarge us, and enable us to more easily
embrace those around us
We need to reduce the speed limits of our lives. We need to savour the trip.
Leave the cell phone at home every once a while. Try kissing more and
less. And top talking so much listen to other people have something to say,
too. And when they don`t, that glorious
silence that you hear will have more to say to you than you ever imagined.
is when you will begin to hear you song. That`s when you best
take hold, and you become really you.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Awareness is the key. Increasing your personal awareness is an integral part of crime prevention,
and perhaps the single most important element of effective self-defense.
An awareness of the reality of crime and violence, as well as an awareness of your environment,
are the keys to your personal security.
1. Trust your instincts: Learn to trust your instincts and listen to what your intuition tells you.
Trust those "little voices" when they tell you that something (or someone) "just don't look right.
" All of your senses should come to full alert, and you should be prepared to take action
(if it's necessary) to get out of the situation or away from that person as fast as possible.
2. Avoid presenting a victim profile: Crime victims are frequently chosen because they are easy targets.
Criminals prey on the weak or unsuspecting, and usually avoid people who are aware of what's going on
and might put up a fight. When people in the eye out in public, look, keep your head up, and walk with
a confident stride. This tells the predator that you are more likely to see him coming and resist.
Without the element of surprise, they will likely pass you up for someone who'll put up less of a fight.
3. Lights, people and noise: "Just use good common sense and remember to pay attention
to what's happening around you, and you will go a long way towards keeping yourself safe...
“Always remember that your greatest allies are lights, people and noise. These are the three things
that criminals fear most, because they increase the likelihood that they will be seen or caught.
4. Your first priority is escape: If you do end up in a dangerous situation, remember that your number
one priority is not to fight, but to escape. When faced with someone who demands your wallet, purse,
jewelry etc... - give it to them, and get out of there. No possession, however valuable,
is worth risking your life over.
5. You must react quickly: One of the greatest challenges to defending yourself is that in the real world
(unlike in the movies) acts of violence usually happen very quickly. When an attack occurs suddenly
(even though there are usually warning signs), you are at an extreme disadvantage,
 if you are not prepared to react. Pepper spray, stun guns and firearms are useless
if you can't get to them instantly when you need them. So try to anticipate dangerous situations
in advance (such as walking to your car at night) and prepare yourself to take quick action.
6. The element of surprise: Second to awareness, surprise is perhaps the most important
element of effective self-defense. Using it to your advantage can give you a devastating edge in a
confrontation. For example, you might pretend to be passive, by appearing to submit to your
assailants wishes, only to attack them when they least expect it. You might also try to talk
to your attacker, and then suddenly throw something at their face - and run. In any case,
 it will be your ability to stay as calm as possible, while you keep thinking,
that will make the difference.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Subject: Art of selling you
Living is selling.
You sell yourself on going to your favorite restaurant. A husband and wife sell constantly. What movie shall we go to? Who takes the dog to the vet? And so on.
Life is a sale. And the path to success at both living and selling is the same.
Attitude matters. Attitude sells. To see what people really value watch when they put their money where their mouths are-literally. People make them feel good. Develop your skill, sharpen them more each day. People value- and pay more for – the way you make them feel. People buy feelings.
Best Wishes

Sunder Thadani

to learn something new everyday is a gift. One realizes this only if one`s mind is open to the world and to life. It could be as simple as learning a new word and its meaning; something that enriches one`s life in even in a small way, for every little bit of learning helps one becomes just that wee bit wiser.
One might like to think one is smart and wise-but the truth is, it is the only with little experience in life that one realizes that life is a gift; it has something new to offer every single day. Suddenly, one could discover a new flower, tree or painting; one tries to understand what it is- physical enrichment because the physical is beholding something beautiful and one`s mind is trying to assimilate what it means.
One can experience during one`s career and travels, meeting people, exchanging ideas- that have helped one to absorb and learn, to share and spread happiness, transcending geography, culture, and relationship.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani