Showing posts with label life4living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life4living. Show all posts

Monday, April 21, 2014


Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered! Best Wishes Sunder T


Sunderblogger.006 Choose Your Options with Care. Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge. Which is the better option? Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem. In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result. “To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings? Best wishes! Sunder T


Sunderblogger.002 Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues on the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office work spouse, if you will. Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide blog support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair. Your comments are most welcome. Best Wishes Sunder T


Sunderblogger.005 Telecommuting is the new-age work mantra. Technology has made so many lives easier, and is constantly changing the way businesses are being done. Online text books, video conferencing, checking e-mail on your mobile phones, the list is endless. One such fast growing trend is that of telecommuting and tele-working. The basic equipment a remote worker needs is a telephone and a high-speed broadband connection. The technology like IP telephony allows telecommuters to send voice, fax and other information over the Internet. Best Wishes sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.004 In order to impact society, our individual development, whether spiritual or material, must contribute to collective development. What good is individual growth and development if it remains inside the boundries of our own skin? Would`nt the world around us change dramitacally if we turned our inwards orientation outward- and reflected our development through servie to society? Best Wishes! Sunder T


Sunderblogger.003 Stress signs: (irritability, depression, heart palpitations, fatigue, compulsive eating’s, unexplained anxiety, insomnia and body aches and pains). Source of stress: environment (noise, pollution, world events) Our Personal lives (work, family, relationships, peer pressure, finances, social events, deadlines); our physical health: (illness, poor nutrition, ageing, injury, lack of exercise) our thoughts (negative emotions –anger, guilt, grief, trauma and obsessive thoughts), Results: Stress becomes a negative event when the situation appears dangerous, painful or unfair and we don`t have the resources to cope. Too many negative events experienced over a long period of time can result in a compromised immune system and subsequent health problems. Solution for managing stress (1) Practice physical and mental relaxation technique; (2) Eat a healthful diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains (3) Drink plenty of water (4) Exercise regularly (5) Laugh often Self-hypnosis is an excellent technique for alleviating stress-related conditions such as headaches, insomnia, nervous tics, nail-biting, anxiety and high blood pressure. Medication, visualization and deep breathing are relaxation techniques that help the body recovery physically and emotionally from the harmful effects of stress. You need a getaway form stress in order to recharge and retune your life. Best Wishes! sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.001 Subject: In Pursuit of Perfection All of us have some vanity. Vanity is nature`s insurance for self-preservation and to that extent it is a necessity. But it was also vanity that drove Snow White`s stepmother to act in a way that eventually led to her downfall. The transition from what is part of self-preservation to that which enables self-destruction is so smooth that it is difficult to separate self-obsession from self-preservation. Not everyone is vain about their looks alone, their vanity could lie elsewhere. Each one has something he thinks he is good at. Even ascetics have their share of vanity in their power of being austere or “proximity to the superpower”. The one who is vain about her hair is careful when washing it or brushing it. The one, who is vain about his house, takes pain to maintain it. Vanity is also the path to perfection, which is worthy goal to strive for. But sometimes life does not respect your vanity and an accident, age or even may strike at it. How then does one cope? There are two kinds of vanity. One is vanity of the spirit. That, one must guard against. The spirit has to be joyous, happy and positive. The other kind of vanity is that which is born from ideas and norms laid down by society. This kind of vanity is what we all often gloat in. Where you feel you have to improve, work at it. But where society feels you have not made the mark, make an indelible one with your vain spirit, even it takes a little longer to do so. Best Wishes! Sunder T

Monday, April 14, 2014


"In our life, we seem to assume and ascribe false identities. We tend to hold a person responsible for what he did, good or bad, when spiritual wisdom says that we are not the doers; prakiti, the devine phenomenon behind creation, is the doer. Thus, we deify someone when he obliges us in a signicant way. On the other hand, if we are hurt in some way by someone`s act of commission or omission, we nurse an enmity against him". This what Kishore Kulkerni said in the peaking tree. Kind Regards! Sunder T.