Thursday, January 26, 2017


Social Media – boom or bust? If you wish to remain safe and have a good sleep at night, it is high time you should think of eight things should be deleted from Social Media right now. 1. Your phone Number: People can skim through your account for personal details or simply use it like bored teen for prank calls. 2. Photos: Today Social Media checks are becoming staple of employers` pre-job offer hit list. Stumbling across 40 snaps of you slumped out a club in a stained shirt isn't going to impress them 3. Your date of birth: This can be used for less generous uses than an annual `happy birthday` greetings. 4. Location: Dont do it. All you're doing is giving away your address and that`s just one of the bits needed to give away your identity. 5. Airport or holiday photos: Exposed to burglaries to explore 6. Your boss: You might lose your job. Pitfalls to catch you off guard. 7. Pictures of your ex: 8. Anything that your firecrackers mate tags you in Sunder Thadani. 20170126

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