Friday, December 6, 2013


Sunderblogger.029 In India, a particular caste restrict a person to a particular type of work. He never excels in it, but becomes a hack. Pure and simple; since he performs his task mechanically, in the way laid down by the respected father, he is unable to improve its quality. No a small impediment to industrial progress, it will be admitted; yet when, in spite of him industrialization has hit our Indian, be finds himself utterly helpless because he cannot adapt his undertaking to the changing techniques and consumer tastes of his time. Newness terrifies Indian as he is rooted in a seemingly endless yesterday. Our twenty first century Indian, habituated to compartmentalized thinking in matters spiritual and ethical, feels completely bewildered in the presence of fresh facts- even about his own race. Unexpected information upsets his balance and makes him thoroughly uncomfortable. Novelty of any kind is not to his liking; when it creeps into his life he prefers not to acknowledge it; he seeks solace in mumbling mystic formulas that had been crooned to him when he was in his cradle. Ram, Ram; hai Krishna; Hanuman- these concentrate for him as in dewdrop the wisdom of ages past of ages to come. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani