Friday, December 6, 2013


Sunderblogger.028 As in life, the only certainty in stock market is the uncertainty and unpredictability. Every morning, although we have broad idea of how our day is likely to be, we cannot predict with surety about evens that might or not happen during the day. This is true of our lives too, where life flows moment to moment; we can only live in the present. Life is enmeshed in duality, with its ups and downs, victories and losses. The same is true of stock markets, where investors move from happiness to sorrow and from ecstasy to dejection, with cyclical regularity. As in life, with stocks too, no one is a permanent winner or loser. Change is the only constant. Life is all about putting in our best efforts and then surrendering to a higher authority or power. This letting go is often required in investing too where, after having made a decision, one should not continuously be thinking about it. Having gone our job, we must let go and let existence take over, and give us whatever returns or rewards…. Learn to accept that which you cannot change. At the same time, one cannot afford to be callous or careless, as these qualities always lead to trouble. Life moves in cycles and good times are followed by not-so-good times. On the stock market there are winners, there are losers and often roles are reversed. The qualities that make our life joyous, balanced and harmonious-awareness, presence of mind, maturity, patience, truthfulness to oneself, acceptance, and an ability to forgive and forget, resilience, and trust and faith in a higher power –are the very traits that will hold any trader in good stead, through buoyancies and crashes, and will ensure that he does not lose his peace of mind and become a victim of stress, anxiety, and depression. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani

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