Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Dear Friends
The following is reproduced for your info. & use.
Subject: Plan in advance  to have a good and meaningful day by PP Wangchuk as appeared in HT.
In the chaotic world that we live in today, it is imprtant to see what can calm us down and how to keep ourselves happy and entertained on a daily basis. Since we can`t disassociate ourselves from the rest of the maddening world, we must find ways to keep ourselves in sanity and good cheer.
It could be rewarding yourself with a visit to your favourite cafe for a few joyous moments. Or doing any other thing that gives you a big boost.
Perhaps it was in this context that Chinese philosopher Confucius was very particular on the need to plan and have a good, meaningful day. He had said that a person who was reluctant to plan his day can`t escape trouble at his door.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T

Thursday, July 14, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.wordpress.com

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.wordpress.com

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.wordpress.com

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.wordpress.com: India: Politics play strange ways when it comes to the exercise of the powers of the governor's (given by the Center). One particular e...


India: Politics play strange ways when it comes to the exercise of the powers of the governor's (given by the Center). One particular example which comes to mind is the dismissal of the Kashmir government in 1984 by governor Jagmohan. The consequences of that fateful move were felt for years to come in the sensitive and volatile state.
The role of the governor is meant to ensure checks and balances in democracy, but over the years they have played a partisan role in exercising authority in contravention of the elected government. There is much truth in the claim that this once exalted constitutional office has become one of the grace and favour from the government of the day. Sinecures are provided to those seem to be useful to the government of the day, a trend which was very visible during the Congress regime of Indra Gandhi during which a number of CM`s were removed on spurious grounds. Some of words are reproduced from a local editorial page for the information of our members in "sundercircle". You are welcome to comment and oblige.
Kind Regards
Sunder T. 20160714

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

Loneliness- an opportunity to discover yourself. You can turn into a celebration- the celebration of being alone, and free to do anything that will make you happy.The boredom can turn into a good for nothing fellow. One should take loneliness positively so that the opportunity provides you with a way to act on your creative talents.You can`t be creative while being a part of a mob. Creativity blooms best when one is left alone to look within and explore the possibility of discovering things or getting ideas that make a difference to the quality of life.
.Being lonely and enjoying such a state of mind also means you are celebrating your individuality in a manner that you can judge your own strengths and weaknesses to make your battle ready for difficult times ahead.
To live a good and purposeful life we much be aware that loneliness is the only time when you can get to discover ourselves. And, discovering yourself is discovering others because you can`t hope to know others until you know yourself.
Loneliness is a human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. The best you`ll ever do is to understand yourself.
Sunder T - 20160622 (For information of the members of sundercircle only. Reproduced from inner voice-HT)

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: DigiEdu4all.blogspot.com

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: DigiEdu4all.blogspot.com: DigiEdu4all Money Muling - Money Mule is a term used to describe innocent victims who are duped by fraudsters into laundering stolen/illega...

sunderblogger: DigiEdu4all.blogspot.com

Money Muling- Money Mule is a term used to describe innocent victims who are duped by fraudsters into laundering stolen/illegal money via their bank account. Whether or not the account holder is aware of it, the account is used to fraudulently transfer money to the fraudsters. The use of intermediaries makes it difficult to figure out the identity of the fraudster
Why is it significant now?. An idle account of a labourer in Punjab was used for receiving and transferring funds without he knowledge of the account holder. The case cam to light when tax authorities served a notice to the account holder.
RBI is taking action against Money Muling.
This is an information to the members of sundercircle and is reproduced from ET in the classromm.
Sunder T - 20160622