Monday, April 25, 2016


What is failure? As the old proverb goes, failures are pillars of success. Only a person who tries to do something will taste success and while trying to do so, one may encounter obstacles too. Our life is full of surprises. Trab these moments. The surprises make the game of life interesting.
 Admitting one's mistake is not easy and requires courage. Nevertheless, oce we are strong enough to admit our failures, half the battle is won. We have to embrace failure in order to be successful in life- Tamina Tiwari
Sunder T

Friday, April 15, 2016



Life is one great game of chess, play it judiciously - Shivanshu K. Srivastava.
In chess, just like in life, if one starts casually, the game becomes unstable. A careful start leads to favourable conditions.
Every move in the game (Chess/Life), has risks. However, if the best move is chosen, it opens up many paths. Formulate a strategy before a few moves and play accordingly. Be ready to tackle any adversity due to mistakes. Chess does not only teach us to analyse the present situation. If enables us to think about the possibilities and consequences. This is the art of forward-thinking.
Even the most important piece-the king-has shortcomings. It can take only a single step at a time, yet the whole game revolves around it. Thus, no one is perfect. The pawn can move only a step forward, but it can turn into a valuable piece if it moves steadily. This teaches us that even the most inferior person can achieve the greatest power. Hence Nobody should be underestimated.
Also, the pawn may not attack alone, but if it has another pawn on its side, it can check even the kin. This proves tat unity indeed generates strength.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Wednesday, April 13, 2016



Be prepared for the nightmares that await you in life- Shri Prakash Sharma in HT.
Books make the best source of knowledge that enlighten and educate human beings. We also learn from the moral precepts and philosophies of gurus and saints and try to live our lives and solve our problems accordingly.
Is life so easy and are life`s problems so easily solved? Does life run so expectedly and mechanically along with the lines of philosophies found in books and saintly guidelines? No. Twists and turns, trials and tribulations in life are so bizarrely unexpected and unceremoniously timed that we feel concerned and cheated. In the conditions, no book, no saint and no guide can help you. Those are the vagaries of life and hard-learned facts of life.
Kind Regards




