Sunday, March 13, 2016



Inner voice.20160310 Expand your understanding of the `comfort zone` -Chhaya Srivastava In Hindustan Times It is unfortunate that most of us today are living in a state of uncertainty, anxiety- a kind of ear. Life is involved in one kind of skepticisms, or the other. Man constantly looks for a comfort zone-defined as space where he feels at ease. He has minimum level of anxiousness, vulnerability and insecurity. The alarming fact is that traits like anger, hurt, and envy are justified as being normal. The fact of the matter is that there has to be a call for each one of us to diversify and stretch the horizon of our comfort zones leaving no room for negativity. Anger, envy, hatred can never be regarded as comfortable states even if a person is at each with them. Sometimes a greater effort is called for a serious realization that your comfort zone does not become the reason for misery to people around, who many happen to be your own near and dear ones who you love so much. Reproduced for the information of members of `sundercircle... Sunder T - 20160313




mumbai4u, public,

mumbai4u, public,







Saturday, March 12, 2016


sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle. Forgiveness is important. If we are to have any hope of peace in this world, we must master the art of forgiveness. The Hindu characterizes the modern day and age as being riddled with quarrel and hypocrisy. There are so many stimulants to irritate and offend us. Without forgiveness, these burning stimulants nest in our consciousness and slowly reduce our peace of mind to ashes. The foremost reason we should practice forgiveness is because barbering negativity dampens our life. Holding onto resentment is like holding a burning hot coal. It afflicts us within and it manifests as fire without. We hold onto this searing ember of hatred day after day, week after week, year after year with the intention of throwing it at the object of our abuse. But who suffers? We suffer. By holding onto that fire we are torturing ourselves. - Raghunath Swami. This is reproduced for the information and benefit of the member of sundercircle. Regards. Sunder T. 20160312.