Tuesday, April 14, 2015


What is Love Love should be a force that helps you expand your life and bring forth your innate potential with fresh and dynamic vitality. That is the ideal but, as the saying "Love is blind" illustrates, people often lose all objectivity when they fall in love. If the relationship you`re in is causing your parents to worry, or making you neglect your studies or engage in destructive behavior; then you and the person you`re seeing are only being a negative influence on each other. Neither of you will be happy if you both just end up hurting each other- Dalsaku Ikeda (This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduce for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani -

Monday, April 13, 2015


Mind is Key to Health The word `disease` is often associated with ailment, but rather it points to a state of dis-ease, both in body and mind. Our sages said millennia ago, that body just manifests what goes on in the mind. Therefore, a diseased body is definite indication that it is actually the mind which is not `at ease` and needs to be primarily addressed. Several diseases once thought to be merely physical dysfunction, have been found to be actually psychosomatic in origin. Ind today`s highly competitive, cut throat world, stress and tension are major killers. When mind is able to remain calm, quite and balanced in any situation, then, even if the body is unwell, it it supported to heal itself. Most interestingly, it has often been the case that terminally ill cancer patients undergo spontaneous remission once they work at cultivating a healthy stress-free mind- this is what wrote by Anandmurti Gurumaa in a local paper, and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercicle. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150413 - sunderkt at Gmail dot com

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Daily Spirituality Spirituality is not such a complex or extraordinary term- it is an everyday thing. -When you strive to improve you nature and habits and minimise your drawback, you are practicing spirituality -When you live with a transparent heart, you are leading a spiritual life. -When you are not biased in your decisions, you are being spiritual. -When you fulfil your everyday work with love, dedication and honesty, you are practicing spirituality. -When you stop being judgemental and can place yourself in someone else`s shoes, your are turning spiritual. -When you listen to a good piece of music and are mesmerised, you are experience a bliss that is spiritual. -Hemal Trivedi (The author) This is reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20150411

Friday, April 10, 2015


Things LIfe Taught Me- If you don`t the make the time for yourself to get inspired, no one around you will ever be inspired. * Talk less, Do more. * Integrity is more valuable than income. * Learn to love yourself. It`s the great rule for being having with other people. * To become successful, first learn how to be happy, Too many think that the route to happiness is to get successful. Untrue. -Robin Sharma [This was appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information/benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards Sunder Thadani 20150410.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Sunderblogger.035 With consciousness we have created very beautiful concepts, and one of them is the idea of relationships. Whatever we create, whatever we discover is to make life more comfortable, beautiful, peaceful and happy. We invest our mental spiritual and psychic energies in building relationships. The first relationship has to be with you. You must have a very clear relationship with yourself, knowing why you think in particular way and so on. The first step is to be aware of your own self. Secondly, why do we want a relationship? Is it for happiness, for security? If that is so, the best source of what we call happiness and security is the Divine. What is Divinity? Divinity is present everywhere, also in those you consider close to you. And having a close relationship with your psyche can give you everything you need. Relationship sours primarily due to ego. Use your ego. But do not allow your ego to use you. It is a tool. If you know how to use it, it will build you and give you many wonderful things. If the ego is using you, you will see ego everywhere. Only ego sees ego. Ego is without substance: a lack of knowledge, a lack of light. Hate s too much love. You never hate someone you don`t know. We call it hate but hate has also substance of love there. It is too much connection. Best Wishes! Sunder.thadani 20150409


Sunderblogger.034 with consciousness we have created very beautiful concepts, and one of them is the idea of relationships. Whatever we create, whatever we discover is to make life more comfortable, beautiful, peaceful and happy. We invest our mental spiritual and psychic energies in building relationships. The first relationship has to be with you. You must have a very clear relationship with yourself, knowing why you think in particular way and so on. The first step is to be aware of your own self. Secondly, why do we want a relationship? Is it for happiness, for security? If that is so, the best source of what we call happiness and security is the Divine. What is Divinity? Divinity is present everywhere, also in those you consider close to you. And having a close relationship with your psyche can give you everything you need. Relationship sours primarily due to ego. Use your ego. But do not allow your ego to use you. It is a tool. If you know how to use it, it will build you and give you many wonderful things. If the ego is using you, you will see ego everywhere. Only ego sees ego. Ego is without substance: a lack of knowledge, a lack of light. Hate s too much love. You never hate someone you don`t know. We call it hate but hate has also substance of love there. It is too much connection. Best Wishes! Sunder.thadani 20150409


Sunderblogger.033 With consciousness we have created very beautiful concepts, and one of them is the idea of relationships. Whatever we create, whatever we discover is to make life more comfortable, beautiful, peaceful and happy. We invest our mental spiritual and psychic energies in building relationships. The first relationship has to be with you. You must have a very clear relationship with yourself, knowing why you think in particular way and so on. The first step is to be aware of your own self. Secondly, why do we want a relationship? Is it for happiness, for security? If that is so, the best source of what we call happiness and security is the Divine. What is Divinity? Divinity is present everywhere, also in those you consider close to you. And having a close relationship with your psyche can give you everything you need. Relationship sours primarily due to ego. Use your ego. But do not allow your ego to use you. It is a tool. If you know how to use it, it will build you and give you many wonderful things. If the ego is using you, you will see ego everywhere. Only ego sees ego. Ego is without substance: a lack of knowledge, a lack of light. Hate s too much love. You never hate someone you don`t know. We call it hate but hate has also substance of love there. It is too much connection. Best Wishes! Sunder.thadani 20150409


Sunderblogger.032 With consciousness we have created very beautiful concepts, and one of them is the idea of relationships. Whatever we create, whatever we discover is to make life more comfortable, beautiful, peaceful and happy. We invest our mental spiritual and psychic energies in building relationships. The first relationship has to be with you. You must have a very clear relationship with yourself, knowing why you think in particular way and so on. The first step is to be aware of your own self. Secondly, why do we want a relationship? Is it for happiness, for security? If that is so, the best source of what we call happiness and security is the Divine. What is Divinity? Divinity is present everywhere, also in those you consider close to you. And having a close relationship with your psyche can give you everything you need. Relationship sours primarily due to ego. Use your ego. But do not allow your ego to use you. It is a tool. If you know how to use it, it will build you and give you many wonderful things. If the ego is using you, you will see ego everywhere. Only ego sees ego. Ego is without substance: a lack of knowledge, a lack of light. Hate s too much love. You never hate someone you don`t know. We call it hate but hate has also substance of love there. It is too much connection. Best Wishes! sunder.thadani 20150409


Exams Minus Stress Stress and worry from the pressure to excel in examinations can result in ill-health-even suicide. Students try to cope. But instead of just managing stress, is permanent relief possible? Yes, We can learn to lean on something wiser than ourselves. "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don`t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God`s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he`s the one who will keep you on track. "(Bible) The all-knowing, all-loved God or divine Mind is ever-present to give us the intelligence and understanding we need. How? Through prayer that affirms God is our true Mind. "The divine is the Soul of men, and gives man dominion over all things," said Mary Baker Eddy. Turning to the divine source of wisdom and intelligence, we can find reassurance and relief from the fear and self-doubt that cause stress about exams.said by Abby Matthai in a local newspaper. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150409

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Master Your Mind- Your mind will not be confined by any limits or barriers. The mind is its own space; the mind is its own power. This is certainly a good thing for the mind. But the negative aspect of this is that the mind is restless. It cannot be still; its feet are burning; it cannot stop; it will not stay in one place; it keeps on wondering! Do not attempt to fight the mind- for the mind can be a formidable enemy! Make friends with it. Say to it gently, as you would tell a stubborn child that it would be good for it to focus on the Divine Presence. Allow your mind to savors the peace that this can bring. Can you try a little exercise? Every time you become aware that the mind wonders, quietly, gently, lovingly, sweetly, bring the mind back to the Divine Presence. It is not easy! Even as you become aware that the mind is wandering, we are wondering with the mind! However, do your best to stop the wondering mind in its tracks, and bring it lovingly back to the Divine Presence? Repeat this simple exercise over a period of three to six months. You will be amazed at the change that this brings in your life! Your life will become new! Kind Regards Sunder Thadani – 20150408

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Matter and Spirit: Proper adjustment between the material and the spiritual aspects of life is not secured by giving equal importance to them. It is not secured by taking something from the material and something from the spiritual and then striking a balance between the two. The spirit must and ever will have an inviolable primacy over matter.; however, the primacy is not expressed by avoiding or rejecting matter but rather by using it as an adequate vehicle for the expression of the spirit. Just as a musical instrument is valuable only if it gives expression to the song of the musician and become a hindrance if it does not yield complete subservience, matter is valuable if it gives free expression to the creative flow of life and becomes an obstacle if it interferes with it- Mehar Baba [This appeared in a local newspaper, and not it is reproduced for the benefit and information of the members of, "sundercirlce". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Mumbaikars: It seems that we, as a city, do not deserve the god things we get. Needing less than a month to reduce these trains to this state qualifies us for a half-of-shame entry. Officials should look at increasing the penalty for this crime- for this is nothing short of a crime -but we need to behave more responsibly and take pride in what we get to use. New Western Railway local coach cost= 42 crores per rake. Introduced on track - March 18, 2015. In service 2 -Expected in future =70. Within 15 days of introduction of these new rakes, one finds paan stains and trash on outside and inside of the coaches. Even Hand-Grips go missing. and trash is piling up. Shame to Mumbaikars, we have zero civil sense or nil national spirit or lack of culture. . Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20150405

Friday, April 3, 2015


God`s gifts God has reserved the best for those who delight in his word.God has give us so many beautiful delight in life: Caring Parents, Guiding Teachers, Trustworthy Friends. Why not value and respect them? Nothing is more precious than these gifts. - Lakshmi R. Nair -Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150403.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Humility is Godliness What does it mean to be humble? All the knowledge you possess, the skills that you have and the goodness that exists within you flows through you Your mind, body and spirit are fortunate to be a channel for that flow of goodness. According to spiritual law, that flow will be drawn to humility. As channels you are servers and thus co-creators. But the moment you feel proud, you choose to operate alone and disconnect yourself from God, and you will be left with your mind and body which are extremely limited- Khorshed Bhavnagri (this article appeared in a local paper DNA, and now is reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". You are welcome to suggest/comment, if any. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani -

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Enter Text Here Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani. 20150401


Trappings of Power

Power can be measured. Its volume, its weight, its momentum can all be brought within the purview of mathematics. So it is the endeavour of those who hold power to be supreme, to increase in bulk. They would repeatedly multiply numbers- the number of men, the number of coins, the number of appliances. What they strive for success they sacrifice others` wealth, others` rights, others` lives; for sacrifice is the essence of the cult of Power; and the earth is running red with the blood of that sacrifice- Rabindranath Tagore. This appeared in a local paper, and is now reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani


Your Kid in the family:- Violence as a tool to discipline kids at home does more harem than good. So making children feel guilty about their behaviour or teaching them to keep secrets.In India a survey revealed that using these methods may render a child prey for peadophiles and strangers Q: what do you offer as bribe? Toys or chocolates? 60%, Nod to watch TV or gadgets 31%, Money 9% Q: Do you threaten your child? 76% yes, 13% sometimes, and 11% no. Q: How you scare your kid? 36% "I shall kill you", 23% "Will send you to boarding school" 21% "Mummy or daddy will go away", 12% "Someone like bogeyman will take you away" 13% "I won`t give you what you want", Q: Do you bribe your child? 67% "All the time", 23% "Never", 10% "sometimes" Survey shows: 64% leave the kid with servants/driver/neighbour/friend or dance or some other class while at work. 98% don`t check the mobile phone of person taking care of the kid 84% never check the background of such person 82% don`t teach male child about good touch and bad touch as they feel boys can`t be abused. This article appeared in a local paper 'DNA" and was written by Kanti Vibhute@kantivibuhute9 and now is reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.031 Boredom is a state of mind in that state, nothing appeals to us, nothing excites us, and nothing interests us. Boredom is not something that hits us from outside; It`s nothing external. It is not like day and night or like the seasons that are inevitable. Boredom is the mind, though it might be related to the presence or absence of people, events or material elements that are outside the person The most common reason for boredom is when one does not have anything worthwhile to do. Take up a hobby, call up old friends or relatives, start writing a journal, learn a new art like drawing, painting, or music, remember all the things you wanted to do, but could not do due to a genuine lack of time. Like everything, boredom too has its benefits if you use the time effectively and creatively. Otherwise, you can keep complaining that you are bored, and waste the one and only life that God has given you, in a bored, mundane fashion. Feeling bored is also a choice- no one is stopping you from going ahead and doing all those things that could make your life interesting or exciting, except yourself. Best Wishes: sunder. Thadani 250401