Wednesday, March 25, 2015


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Daily Renewal: Never for an instant forget the effort to renew your life to  build yourself
                                       anew. Opening the door to your own life is in the end more difficult than
                                       opening the door to all the mysteries of the universe - Daisaku Ikeda.
                                       This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and
                                        benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: World Retail Hotspots: Delhi 8 th , Mumbai 14 th among Asia Pacific`s region Nineteen global retailers made their entry to the national...


World Retail Hotspots:
Delhi 8th, Mumbai 14th among Asia Pacific`s region
Nineteen global retailers made their entry to the national capital`s prime shopping locations helped Mumbai retain its 14th rank among Asia`s Pacific`s top retail hotspots, according to a CBRE report.

464      : new retail entrance in Asia Pacific region in 2014, 23% more than 2013
22.6%:   growth in number of entrants in the luxury and retail segment.
22.4%:   growth in number of coffee segment entrants.
14th      : position for Mumbai.
24%       : entrants were from US.
11%      : from Italy and the UK.
10.5%   : from France

Top cities: Tokyo (63), Singapore (58), Taipei (49), Hong Kong (45) Beijing (34)
this article appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. You are welcome to comment/contribute any useful public content and oblige. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani –20150325- sunderkt at Gmail dot com.

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: Sunderblogger.022 you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your ab...


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: Sunderblogger.021 you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your ab...


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.

Best Wishes


Courage: It is plain that there is no separate essence called courage, no cup or cell in the brain, no vessel in the heart containing drops or atoms that make or give this virtue; but it is the right or healthy state of every man, when he is free to do that which is constitutional to him to do. It is directness,- the instant performing of that which he ought. An to be really strong w must adhere to our own means. On organic action all strength depends. Every creature has a courage of his constitution fit for his duties; Each is strong, relying on  his own, and each is betrayed when he seeks in himself the courage of others. Captain John Brown, the hero of Kansas, said that "It is still observed the most valiant men are seen to be those who are most modest before they came to war." [This article was published in a local paper and is now reproduce for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20150324.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Practising Non-violence: Ahimsa (non-violence) does not mean merely not injuring a living being physically. You should not cause harm even by a word, a look or a gesture. Tolerance, fortitude, equanimity-these help you to practice a non-violence steadily.
Non-violence is another facet of truth. When once you are aware of the kinship of all beings, the fundamental divine unity and their oneness with God, you will not knowingly cause pain or distress to another.
we generally think that non-violence means not causing harm to any living being. Violence is not merely causing physical harm, even looking at debasing things, listening to evil or wrongful words and speaking harshly amount to voilence.
It all depends on one`s intention. Non-violence is ultimately a matter of intention and attitude, directed from the heart.
Perpetrating voilence on others is ultimately committing violence to oneself. We will definitely reap the consequences of our actions, whether in the present or future. Though the result may not be always apparent, every action evokes an inevitable reaction. Therefore, the best policy is to avoid harming others at all. As the biblical saying goes, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So help ever, hurt never.- Sri Sathya Sai Baba. [This article appeared in a local paper and now is reproduced for the benefit of the members of  "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.20150323


Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office – a “work spouse,” if you will.
Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide emotional support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair.

Your comments are most welcome.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of
 jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it simply disappears. Jealousy cannot be overcome
either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy.
Understand the way out of jealousy is not be surprising it or denying its existence. 
Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready
to face he jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arise in you,
how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness
and frustration inside you and make you lose all of your peace and calm.
Do not condemn the object of jealousy. The object has not generated the
emotions from outside. The jealousy is happening inside you. The fire of jealousy
can just consume you completely if you don’t control it with the fire extinguisher of
you awareness. Once you witness your jealousy with awareness, you will realize
that it does not have a basis for existence at all.  When this happens, jealously
will drop automatically. You won`t have to drop it.

Best Wishes!

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: Sunderblogger.016 Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, ...


Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office – a “work spouse,” if you will.
Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide emotional support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair.

Your comments are most welcome.

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: Sunderblogger.015 The 7 systems of balance: The secret to a balanced life is in the balance of passion and structure. The wonders o...


The 7 systems of balance:
The secret to a balanced life is in the balance of passion and structure.
The wonders of our age, all of the new ways to do things, all of the new ways to be in contact with others, the access to any and all sources of information, all of the new ways to travel, all these limitless opportunities make it possible for you to pursue your passion, your ideas, you interest, your love.

In pursuing our passion to be happy, we ultimately become unhappy. Why? The missing ingredient is balance. It is just how human beings are made. In order to be happy, your life must be balance. Otherwise your body and brain send you powerful signals, telling you that something is wrong. You see, your body and your brain are only trying to help you. The signals tell you that it is time to do something about the imbalance in your life or problems are sure to arise. Done in the right way, pursuing your passion can turn you on, it can lead you to new ground, and it can help you to realize your dreams.
Best wishes!

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogpost

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogpost: Sunderblogger.015 The 7 systems of balance: The secret to a balanced life is in the balance of passion and structure. The wonders o...


The 7 systems of balance:
The secret to a balanced life is in the balance of passion and structure.
The wonders of our age, all of the new ways to do things, all of the new ways to be in contact with others, the access to any and all sources of information, all of the new ways to travel, all these limitless opportunities make it possible for you to pursue your passion, your ideas, you interest, your love.

In pursuing our passion to be happy, we ultimately become unhappy. Why? The missing ingredient is balance. It is just how human beings are made. In order to be happy, your life must be balance. Otherwise your body and brain send you powerful signals, telling you that something is wrong. You see, your body and your brain are only trying to help you. The signals tell you that it is time to do something about the imbalance in your life or problems are sure to arise. Done in the right way, pursuing your passion can turn you on, it can lead you to new ground, and it can help you to realize your dreams.
Best wishes!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: Sunderblogger.014 when one criticizes you, it teaches that no two people are alike. When someone breaks your heart, it teaches you that...


when one criticizes you, it teaches that no two people are alike. When someone breaks your heart, it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean that love will come back to you the way you want it to.
Best Wishes