Monday, June 23, 2014


Death is powerless before the person who has depth of feeling for life. You must have come cross people who are not afraid of death, and they are from different walks of life. They include those in public life [like Gandhi, Anna Hazare], householders and also convicted criminals. They seem to be ready for the ultimate act without feeling any remorse. But can we say that death is powerless before them and that they have depth in them as evidence of this? Perhaps not. Perhaps they are being seen as the strongest of people who have depth of knowledge that enables them to encounter death without fear.
The nearest that you can get to death is to be with the dying and experience the trauma or otherwise, so as to feel the experience as best as possible, without actually dying- and this might help increase your depth of knowledge of death. Once you understand death and are ready that you feel life to the fullest which in itself increases your depth of life.
Only when you feel death can you feel life, which opens the sublime qualities of intelligence, fearlessness, wisdom, love, happiness, joy, creativity, expression, truthfulness and life itself.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Theoretically speaking, truth should be it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter will come true. The saying, at once, reveals the power of truth as also the difficulty of remaining conscious a simple task as the most natural thing to do. Truth about oneself is always self-evident. Our thoughts and feelings, fears and aspirations, likes and dislikes are known to us and yet, we hardly express ourselves fully and truthfully. Instead, we battle with our conscience, concoct stories and manipulate our expressions to camouflages our thoughts and true feelings. We choose the hard option drive by all sorts of fears; fear of being found out, of rejection, of losing honor, status and image. As long as the veneer lasts I is fine but the foundation underneath remains ever brittle and shaky.
Truth is immortal. A shadow of lie can temporarily dim its illumination but only in passing. Lies, however, have a limited life and need to continuously breed and proliferate to keep up the presence of constancy. Truth is lie fresh water, cleansing the mind of sensory debris like desire, hatred, greed, jealousy, envy and animosity. Pursuing truth in thought and action, the mind attains a state of tranquility and starts mirroring the truth of people, objects, events and situations well beyond constraints of time and space.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.139

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.139: Theoretically speaking, truth should be it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter w...


Theoretically speaking, truth should be it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter will come true. The saying, at once, reveals the power of truth as also the difficulty of remaining conscious a simple task as the most natural thing to do. Truth about oneself is always self-evident. Our thoughts and feelings, fears and aspirations, likes and dislikes are known to us and yet, we hardly express ourselves fully and truthfully. Instead, we battle with our conscience, concoct stories and manipulate our expressions to camouflages our thoughts and true feelings. We choose the hard option drive by all sorts of fears; fear of being found out, of rejection, of losing honor, status and image. As long as the veneer lasts I is fine but the foundation underneath remains ever brittle and shaky.
Truth is immortal. A shadow of lie can temporarily dim its illumination but only in passing. Lies, however, have a limited life and need to continuously breed and proliferate to keep up the presence of constancy. Truth is lie fresh water, cleansing the mind of sensory debris like desire, hatred, greed, jealousy, envy and animosity. Pursuing truth in thought and action, the mind attains a state of tranquility and starts mirroring the truth of people, objects, events and situations well beyond constraints of time and space.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


People feel lonely; they need somebody to fill their loneliness. They call it love. They show love because that is the only way to hook the other. The other also calls it love because that is the only way to hook you. But who knows whether there is love or not? Love is just a game. Real love is possible, but that happens only when you don`t need anybody.
When you don`t need a person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself, when you can be alone and tremendously happy and ecstatic, then then love is possible. But then too you can be certain about only one thing; whether your love is real. How can you be certain about the other? But then there is no need.
Behind declarations of love there is nothing but need. You want your lover to be with you to fill you emptiness and so too is the case with her. You are both trying to use each other as a means.
That`s why lovers, so-called lovers, are always in conflict-because nobody wants to be used, because when you use a person the person becomes a thing, you have reduced him to a commodity.
Best Wishes
Sunder T


More often than ever before, we face a rising tide of uncertainty about the future-
about our personal lives and the purpose and meaning of our religious, political, financial, and social institutions.
We become strikingly aware that life`s lessons are to be learnt on a daily basis. And one of the greatest teachers is uncertainty.
Uncertainty invites us to slow down in order to understand, to see better, to live better. We so badly want things in life to be predictable; we want all our choices to be good one, But we also claim we long for transformation. Certainty and comfort are hardly conductive to transformation.
The one certainty is that life is uncertain. We often live as though nothing will change, but it does. The continuous battle between wanting things to stay the same and finding that nothing stays the same creates tension in us. We chose to respond either with fear or helplessness, or with eager acceptance of what lies ahead.
The fear we have moving forward, trying something new, and changing direction is often actually an unwillingness to handle uncertainty. The danger is in getting stuck in the `confusion` phase too long, by not seeing it for the opportunity it offers for spiritual growth. The gift that uncertainty offers is its ability to moves us on.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136: to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see th...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136: to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see th...


to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see this clearly that, “if you continue doing what you have done you will get what you have got” Hence, there is a need for innovation in all walks of life.
Our weakness can become our strength. This is true innovation. One has to focus on innovation id different fields like organization, self, creation of wealth and wellness. All this should result in `end user-innovation` of being happy, being valued and feeling a sense of belonging.
The organizational research and knowledge management wing should have methods to arrive an and check whether mission and vision statement have just become a jargons…that is, remaining as sheer intellectual concepts. If it is so, then the very purpose would be lost.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see this clearly that, “if you continue doing what you have done you will get what you have got” Hence, there is a need for innovation in all walks of life.
Our weakness can become our strength. This is true innovation. One has to focus on innovation id different fields like organization, self, creation of wealth and wellness. All this should result in `end user-innovation` of being happy, being valued and feeling a sense of belonging.
The organizational research and knowledge management wing should have methods to arrive an and check whether mission and vision statement have just become a jargons…that is, remaining as sheer intellectual concepts. If it is so, then the very purpose would be lost.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Often nothing requires more courage than the admission of one`s fault. The disturbance that repentance evokes in our personal and collective psyches, which ruminating over a past wrong or misdeed is so upsetting that we tend to exhaust every other available choice before we own up. We dread the bald admission that we are in the wrong. We dread the bald admission that we are in the wrong. Not only individuals but also communities and nations face this dilemma.
Human beings have a double nature; capable of great sacrifice and charity and at the same time capable of committing heinous acts. This is because of the instinct to do well and the instinct to do badly is intertwined with both positive and negative qualities. We tend to hurt others by our thoughtless and selfish inclinations. Others hurt us the same way. There are moments in our lives when we regret our actions and wish we had not done what we had. There would be hardly anyone who has not, at some time or other, grappled with feelings of guilt. Hence the need to be on guard always, is good.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Saturday, June 21, 2014


we are moving along with the current of our desires, our own goals, aims and agendas. We are constantly thinking of negative things, having a sense of fear unnecessarily and constantly expecting the worst of by our negative state of being and they come and settle in us, making our mind a garbage bin.
Many a time we feel that everybody is victimizing us for no fault of ours, making us feel very pathetic and ordinary. Instead, when we don`t unnecessarily assume and presume the above, we value and feel that life is precious, auspicious, esteemed and extraordinary. Meditation brings about this awareness to make our life extraordinary.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Perseverance and letting go are both positive qualities that we are all possess. However, despite their being life-enhancing qualities, these are often complementary and even antagonistic to each other, and need to be employed in sequence, and at the right time, rather than in isolation for us to achieve success, peace and harmony.
Success is determined by a combination of factors.  Hard work is only one of them. Besides hard work, we also need talent, inspiration, creativity, luck, and destiny. While most of us work hard, true success and joy come only to some, while most others have to remain, content with whatever they get.
Your views or comment are most welcome.
Kind Regards
Sunder T


Perseverance and letting go are both positive qualities that we are all possess. However, despite their being life-enhancing qualities, these are often complementary and even antagonistic to each other, and need to be employed in sequence, and at the right time, rather than in isolation for us to achieve success, peace and harmony.
Success is determined by a combination of factors.  Hard work is only one of them. Besides hard work, we also need talent, inspiration, creativity, luck, and destiny. While most of us work hard, true success and joy come only to some, while most others have to remain, content with whatever they get.
Your views, or comment are most welcome.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.131

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.131: A great deal has been said about realization and enlightenment. But what is it? Perhaps this is one thing which can never be expressed in ...


A great deal has been said about realization and enlightenment. But what is it?
Perhaps this is one thing which can never be expressed in words. When we are sad or happy we say so and the other person can follow because there are common feelings. Realization, however, is something most are quite unaware of.
Your comments are welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Friday, June 20, 2014


subject: Tech-ready humans – Think the other way round
it is unusual to contemplate a time when technology will literally change the face of humankind.
 If down the millennium, we have dispensed with such things as tails and increased the space in the cranium to accommodate larger brains. Consider the sorts of new posture-related diseases that currently plague users of what are now commonplace technologies such as mobile phones and laptops, such as tech necks, frozen shoulders, sprained hands, etc.
Once an ideal tech-ready one-human is figured our, though, the difficult part would be to figure out how the infinitesimally slow normal process of such changes can be speed up!
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


subject:    Political reforms in India.
Situation: India, low At 134 positions [183 in the world list]
Due to:     High cost of doing business in India, stemming from procedural complexity designed to
                  yield rent for those who wield power. The paper work and formalities
                   involved in starting a business in India is ranked at a poor 165. Worse, when it comes to
                   enforcing contracts, our rank is put at a scandalous second-last or 182/183, which is
                   unchanged still.
Solution:   A more transparent, business-like regulatory regime would boost investment and
                   enterprise, and augment the quality of economic growth.
                   We need hassle-free procedure to boost business activity. Overall, strengthening
                   transparency and efficiency of commercial dispute resolution, and improving bankruptcy
                   procedures would pay rich dividends. The bottom line is the pressing need to revamp and
                   reform the business environment across the board.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Subject: Mind, Body, and Self
The speaking tree says, there are three aspects to an individual.
His persona as people think he is, as he himself thinks he is,
and what he actually is.
People judge you mostly by your outward manifestation in terms of your personality, attire, the way you carry yourself and your status in the society. You judge yourself by what you think you are capable of doing, while others judge you by what you have already done. An individual`s perception about himself is mostly colored by the twin conditions of self-importance and ego., albeit in varying degrees. Very few are keen to find out that the real Self hidden within to ascertain one`s true identity. Knowledge of the Self is one of the most important fundamentals of philosophy/
your views, suggestions, and comments are most welcome.
Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani


The mindset we have has not helped us. It has led us to a mediocre reality. I has led us to accepting a reality that is full of suffering and pain.
We need something that is fulfilling; something that we can enjoy Bliss will be the character of that existence. When can humanity as a whole get that reality? Is it impossible? No, it`s not possible. It is the very nature of our existence to be in bliss, to be symmetry.
All that we need to do is not gain anything more than what we have. As a matter of fact, it is a matter of losing what we have. Losing our ego, which is your `I` consciousness, is the culprit.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T