Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sub: shopping on woman’s minds as much as sex on men’s. A fascinating survey has revealed that most of the young women think about shopping as often as men think about sex. Between the ages 19-45, 74 per cent of them thin abut shopping every minute. While young men think about sex every 52 seconds.
Best wishes!
Sunder T


India today is the world`s second largest wireless market. India has surpassed the US as the world`s  second largest wireless network in the world after China with the addition of 10.16 million wireless subscribers at the end of March, 2008. The total number of wireless subscribers stood at 261.09 million at the end of March 2008. India has overtaken the US. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Kindly join the group, and contribute content. Best Wishes,
Sunder Thadani

Freedom from sex is not repression of sex: it the understanding of sex; by understanding, one goes beyond it. But that does not mean that you will be angry, against it and antagonistic. You will be blissful. You will bless everybody with the hope that someday, they will also go beyond it.
Sex is not a sin. Nobody is ever punished or sent to hell for sex. God has given it to you, you are born with it; you have not created it- like the atom bomb, bayonet, sword, money or politics- these are inventions of the ugly human mind. These people will go to hell, certainly. But sex is God-given gift, and it is a great seed. Once it starts sprouting and finds the right soul, it will become a big tree. Millions of flowers will come to it.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome and will be appreciated.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani

Friday, June 6, 2014

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about My Mumbai [for your information] –Grouped in:  MyCityMyLove
Mumbai has always been a powerhouse of Indian business industry, and trade with a proven track record when compared with other cities in India, or for that matter even with Shanghai. On the financial front, over 92% of the country`s stock exchange turnover is conducted from BSE and NSE. In addition to Reserve Bank of India, most of the headquarters of financial, banking institutions and insurance companies, both in public and private sector are headquartered in Mumbai.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome, and will be appreciated by members.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.055

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Head understands head and heart understands heart. We try to put the heart in the head and head in the heart and it doesn`t seem to work.
Your heart feels something beautiful, and you can feel it. When head says something is beautiful, we cling on to the word; it`s there in the mind, but we might not feel what we feel when the heart says the same thing. We repeat the word ‘beautiful’ in the head but it doesn’t seem or feel beautiful the way it would have if it had come from the heart.
Let us talk about love. It`s the same thing- you talk too much about love, the word love` gets stuck in the head, but somehow there no depth of feeling. That`s because it`s in the head, not in the heart. In silence, love emits, radiates. We experience ourselves in the things we love more. That is why, when we lose the things we love, we feel hurt; we fee unhappy.
We are all floating in an ocean of life; a big life. It is not just empty space all around us; it is lively big life. And in the big sea of life there, all shells are floating and each shell has got a little water in it which is not the water separate from the water in the sea.
so, we come out of our shells and experience, “I am not just in the body, but I am expanded all over; everywhere, it`s me there and it`s me here, I see myself in everybody”.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani

Thursday, June 5, 2014

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On Hollywood –MGM
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the legendary 86 year-old Hollywood studio, is filling for bankruptcy. This relates to Hollywood`s style of functioning, marred by overblown budgets, unreal plots, unsure narratives and seeking novelty mixed with realism. In contrast stands Bollywood, the Hindi film industry steadily expanding over the globe. Bollywood`s themes are constantly energized by everyday culture and mythology while increasingly including edgy, experimental stories.
Winner of 205 Oscars over the years, it is extraordinary that a studio of MGM`s stature should see such days. Despite holding 4,000 film titles including the sparkling James Bond series, the studio, bought in 2005 by a Sony-led consortium, has been plagued by debts of four billion dollars. It is anticipated that its lenders will now take over most of MGM, forcing it to re-scale operations. MGM`s crisis reflects greater troubles within Hollywood itself. In recent years, American cinema has increasingly been treated not as ‘show business` but pure business. Films have been based on market strategy, distribution networks and commercial calculations as opposed to simply being cinema that delights and thrills viewers through the forceful creativity driving it. Once, MGM made iconic films like Gone with the Wind, BenHur, The Wizard of Oz and Rocky. In recent times, despite the hype and hoopla surrounding Hollywood, it is hard to think of many movies which will live beyond their times, seeping into popular memory the world over.
Your views, contributions, or comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.

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The subject is: Happiness Is Not Everything
The idea of happiness is a kind of ignorance. If your understanding is healthy,
then you will never give too much importance to happiness; we do so because
of our ignorance. Happiness is not the idea, purpose or aim of life;
happiness is a consequence, a fruit.
Happiness is a subject of the senses. The scope of the senses is limited and
 the senses are completely unaware of the greatness of life.
 If you are just following your senses, you are indulging them.
Understand the game of the senses, and then go beyond them.
Discover that portion of life, that part of life that can give us something permanent,
the highest knowledge of life, the highest clarity in life.
What we understand by happiness lies on the surface.
When you live at a deeper level, you give importance to clarity of consciousness
which gives you information on the purpose of your existence; it gives you purpose.
Once this is clear everything come to you, including contentment and balance.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Choose Your Options with Care.
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Which is the better option?
Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem.
In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result.
“To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings?
Best wishes!

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India is emerging as managerial number one in the world.
In 2009 Indian companies have raised billions from global markets, to finance foreign takeovers, and internal
expansion. This far exceeded the inflow of foreign direct
investment [around $10 billion].
This is the real revolution of 2006, India as left
behind the stage of being seen as global suppliers of
soft ware, generic drugs and auto components. It is now
seen as a global managerial power, one that can take over
multinationals across the world and improve their
performance. So, global financiers are tripping over
one another to fund foreign acquisitions by Indian
The world now believes that Indian are excellent managers,
better than those in several American and European countries
Hundreds of Indian companies have become MNCs with growing
Day is not far, when ICIC Bank takes over Citibank, when
Infosys acquired IBM, when Reliance takes over Exxon; and
Tata Motors take over General Motors, and of course Times
of India should take over the New York Times.
Best Wishes,

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


According to Akamai Technologies’ latest State of the Internet report, India has currently 2.1 million unique IPs, which means the country has 0.002 IPs per capita or two unique IP addresses per 1,000 people. An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique 32-bit number, which identifies a computer in an IP network.

The State of the Internet report also reveals that the percentage of broadband connections from India with speeds above 5 Mbps (high broadband) and 2 Mbps (broadband) are 0.6 per cent and 4.6 per cent respectively. The percentage of connections with speeds less than 256 Kbps from India is 26 per cent.

Sanjay Singh, vice president, Global Services and Support, Akamai Technologies, has said, “Our global network of 36,000 servers across 70 countries enables us to offer unique insight into how the internet is being leveraged around the world. While the report notes that India has just two unique IPs per 1,000 people on average, we believe India’s internet penetration will significantly increase in the coming years, thanks in part to the economic boom and increasing IT adoption.”
Best Wishes,
Sunder Thadani.


it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells.
Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within
and we no longer need approval of others. A peaceful life is essentially a simple one and hence effortless.
The sheer simplicity of peaceful life is a magnet that attracts,
for deep within we identify with it. To be simple is not something external;
we have to become simple and natural from within, be open to our own 1internal self1,
and perform actions knowing where they are leading to. One has to consciously
bring about this change, as “to change externally is just a cosmetic change;
it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells.
Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within
and we no longer need approval of others.
Best Wishes!

Sunder Thadani

In the ICE (information, communication, and entertainment) age, life is characterized by stiff competition. The anxiety to keep ahead in the rat race and the urge to garner material benefits is ripping us apart. Relationships have taken a beating and marriage is losing its sheen. From a marriage of convenience it has now transformed into a game of compromises. Giving each other space, understanding work cultures and the pressure that comes along, sharing domestic responsibilities top the list. Partners need to have faith in each other, shed their egos and be ready to talk things out instead of fighting. Practicality is the word. Along with an easy-going attitude, there should be the zeal to support their respective families. It is necessary to draw the demarcating line between personal and professional lives. Being supportive of each other regarding professional decisions, coming up with suggestion but not imposing upon the partner are important for a successful marriage.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.


In the ICE (information, communication, and entertainment) age, life is characterized by stiff competition. The anxiety to keep ahead in the rat race and the urge to garner material benefits is ripping us apart. Relationships have taken a beating and marriage is losing its sheen. From a marriage of convenience it has now transformed into a game of compromises. Giving each other space, understanding work cultures and the pressure that comes along, sharing domestic responsibilities top the list. Partners need to have faith in each other, shed their egos and be ready to talk things out instead of fighting. Practicality is the word. Along with an easy-going attitude, there should be the zeal to support their respective families. It is necessary to draw the demarcating line between personal and professional lives. Being supportive of each other regarding professional decisions, coming up with suggestion but not imposing upon the partner are important for a successful marriage.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

sunderblogger.047. How do we live our daily life, not theoretically, philosophically or idealistically, but actually how do we live our daily life? If we examine it, it is a constant battle, constant struggle, effort after effort. What shall we do? It comes down to that. Can we change our life? Is it possible? Because conflict is part of violence. This constant struggle to be something in the world, economically, socially, as well as inwardly, is the basis of our life.

Monday, June 2, 2014

it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells.
Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within
and we no longer need approval of others. A peaceful life is essentially a simple one and hence effortless.
The sheer simplicity of peaceful life is a magnet that attracts,
for deep within we identify with it. To be simple is not something external;
we have to become simple and natural from within, be open to our own 1internal self1,
and perform actions knowing where they are leading to. One has to consciously
bring about this change, as “to change externally is just a cosmetic change;
it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells.
Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within
and we no longer need approval of others.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani