Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I’m a writer!” It sounds so glamorous, doesn’t it? Let me tell you, the people I have read about who truly are writers love what they do, but it is no walk in the park! Blood, toil, sweat, and tears, yes. Dancing through the daisies, no. As many people have wisely said, there are two things you must do if you want to be a writer. You have to read a lot, and you have to write. Write. Write. Write some more. The reading part is easy. So many books, so little time. The writing part, I am learning, is not quite too easy. This blog is one of my efforts to eliminate my excuses, to motivate myself to write every day, to constantly improve my style. My biggest fear? Rejection, of course! On to more practical things. I am 87. I have been married for 41 years. Today I am a widower with no children. Since I graduated from college, I have been a full-time employee for few private corporate companies. Now retired and living alone peacefully. So. The wisdom is that you should write about what you know. I know about growing up in a parsonage; about moving a lot when I was growing up; about learning to make do without very much money; about putting myself through college, marrying a really, really good guy, and then the mom/teacher/counselor stuff. Frankly? Right now, I have no idea where this blog is going to take me. Should be an interesting journey. Sunder Thadani. 20170418.