Internet access can enable Indians to leapfrog stages in development. Today internet in India is accessed mostly through mobile phones. With the advent of Wi-Fi enabled mobile phones, Wi-Fi networks have emerged as the most important source of getting Indians connected to internet. Wi-Fi networks have the advantage of allowing many users to share the same internet connection. Given these advantages, a Trai consultation paper has estimated that under some assumptions cost per MB to Wi-Fi networks could be less than 2 paise per, as compared to around 23 paise for date charging cellular networks. Affordability lies at the heart of any attempt to enhance internet access.
Trai`s`s attempt to invite public participation in suggesting ideas to enhance access has been underpinned by a broad description of public Wi-Fi networks. The regulator is looking at not just traditional telecom and internet service providers, but also a new class of entrepreneurs who see an opportunity in providing this service. It is the right approach as competitions have always worked in favour of customers. It spurs innovation and eventually improve access. However, it is important that when Trai gives its recommendations on the subject, it avoids a prescriptive approach. Access is best guaranteed when market forces prevail and regulators focus on protecting consumer interests.
Trai`s recommendations will have salience and it is for the government to make necessary legal changes to actualize its slogans. When Wi-Fi technology offers advantages, regulatory obstacles which prevent its spread should be eliminated.
Sunder Thadani. 20170308.