Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Nehru, India`s Prime Minister after independence in 1947, a typical example of his fundamental reaction to life and thought-patterns was Western, particularity British, yet he was no more an Englishman than I am the Kahn of Tartary. He was a complex personality, and affords the best example of my contention. Nehru could identify himself closely with almost every type of Indian: he felt with the Naga like a Naga: with the Brahmin like a Brahmin: with Muslim like a MUslim: with untouchable like an untouchable: yet at heart he was none of these. What he was, I am sure, he himself did not know. He had deep urges and large dreams-that is all. Here was our typically complex and contradictory Indian. There is no doubt that our various racial strains have made us what we are at present- a people with no distinctive soul, but with only a many-coloured psyche. But to say this is not to say all. (will continue). Regards. Sunder T. 20151230

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


NotProudToBeIndian: Whatever races came to India-they were attracted to her like moths to a flame-had one peculiarity: they refused to be integrated. Despite the terrific pressure of the anonymous multitudes around them, they remained undigested chunks. Hence the Indian prodadox: one Indian reacts like a a Scythian, another like a Sumerian, a third like a Greek, a fourth like an Arab, and so the complicated tale continues.But let us not run away with the impression that our Indian Sumerian is a pure Sumerian. Only the dominant layer in him is that; his other layers are in constant conflict with the Sumerian. Fantastic, it will be said. Not quite. (Will continue in next time). Sunder T 20151229.

Monday, December 28, 2015


Being Indian? But why are we what we are? Aryanism, of which we have become particularly proud since independence, is, if we examine matters without parti pris, integumentary. The essence lies elsewhere. The Indian spirit is basically pr-Aryan. The Dravidian element in it is predominant. (as we see today,) but the total influences go further back. We have the phrase "Mother India"; India is much more than that; she is the Granny of Nations. Her soul (there is, I repeat, no "it" about it) is steeped in the leading and misleading of may civilizations. Sunder T 20151228

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Is there such a creature as an Indian? There may be, but I have not found it. An Indian pure and simple is rare as a griffin or an Assyrian bull. How should it be otherwise? The Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he reminds me of Ibsen`s famous onion-one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing. It is the peeling, of various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. The result is that the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at war with himself. Not knowing himself, he is unable to understand others. Our metaphysics, wonderful as they are, have tried to solve this confusion, but in vain. Our multilayered soul remains hidden and unfathomable. (to be continued in next post). Regards. Sunder T. Sunder T 20151227


Creative Commons.20141215. Day in and day out, major content sharing sites like Wikipedia and Flickr, along with millions of other websites, rely on Creative Commons to make vast amounts of material available for the world to discover. These freely licensed images, research articles and data, educational materials and more enrich our world and make it possible for people everywhere to share knowledge and collaborate with each other. Today over 1.1 billion pieces of content — viewed over 136 billion times in 2015 alone — are all possible because of CC licenses and tools. A world without Creative Commons is a world where all of this knowledge would have been inaccessible, a world that fails to maximize the true benefits of our human capacity to share. Regards Sunder T

Friday, December 18, 2015

a603 dadar beach aug 05`13


A question that haunts all 2.25 billion Indians who rallied around Nirbhaya's case, to protest violence against women. India law on rape is applicable to persons above 18 years of age, and the culprit in Nirbhaya rape case got only 3 years of imprisonment in a remand home. Juvenile Justice Bill, 2014 which permits juveniles older than 16 to be tried as adults if they commit heinous crimes. Is Indian justice a travesty of justice?The system that provides privacy and financial aid to heinous criminal instead of keeping them behind bars-protecting the rights of juvenile rapist but not the rights of the raped woman. Juvenile culprits need no mercy. India should wake up to this reality. Sunder T

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

The infinite spectrum of creativity has often been perceived as limited to fields like art and literature. With the limitations of the mind, we tend to believe that `creativity` means art, literature, dance or music. But once we transcend the mind, then we realise that from the smallest speck of dust to the largest planet in cosmos, every area is part of creativity; even a glade of grass is immaculately designed and shaped, has been given a specific colour, identity; and consciousness, but which is in sleep mode. When we say `creativity` then whatever our senses can perceive and what is beyond perception, what we can think about and whatever is beyond thinking comes in the realm of creativity, Creativity is much bigger and we need to broaden our vision to understand this. This is what Anandmurti Gurumaa wrote in a local paper and is now reproduced for the info. and benefit of our members of "sundercircle". Regards. Sunder T 20151209