Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Sunderblogger.098 What is important to me in my life is respect and self-esteem. In order to get through life, I feel that a person has to have respect for others and themselves. By respecting what others say and do, even though I may not agree with them, I still respect their point of view. This has helped me carry on in life without letting what they say or do affect me physically or emotionally. Realizing that everyone has their own personal view of something or someone is important to me. Self-esteem is something that I feel can carry a person through life. Always having high self-esteem about you puts up a shield from put-downs and abuse from other people. This high self-esteem will help a person stay strong and let the remarks go in one ear and out the other. Following this philosophy will help me live a happy and successful life. By not letting other people bring me down, but at the same respect them; I will have a better understanding of individuals and life in general. Best wishes! Sunder thadani