Tuesday, December 31, 2013


no.096 - Indian children hav a typical attitude. They do as the mood seize them; discipline is foreign to them, and behaviour is a matter of hit or misswith them. A naughty child is handled oddly in India; if he is a member of humbler classes, he is ignored or thrashed into insensibility; if he is a child f the rich, he is bribed with presents or put in the care of servants. Eigher way, he gets precious little guidance from his parents in preparing himself for life. Here we tocuh on our fundamental defect; there are expremely few fully-developed, poised Indian. It is because their mothers have been unable , for one reason or another, to bring them up properly. Even our greatest men oftern behave childishly, not only at home, which is understandable and perhaps agreable, but in pubic and in approaching matters of grave national and international importance. Indian chilren have never received a fair deal; they are either neglegted or pampered. They grow up to be stunted; they do not get the best from society nor they give of their best to it in return. Why hid the truth? All notable Indians have been notable accidently; the forstering of genius or high talent makes no sense to the Indians. Indian philosophy is; "Inspiration comes from beyond, from the gods, not from within." [Next will continue as no.097 Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.095

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.095: no.095 - Talking about Indian mothers, they are ignornat of their importance in raising their children; because due to unorganized househo...


no.095 - Talking about Indian mothers, they are ignornat of their importance in raising their children; because due to unorganized household work, especially among the poorer classes, they have no leisure or energy to devote any time to this great task; because they are, when well-to-do, both idolent and careless, seeming to think it their divine right to do nothing exept to give orders and they are too lackadaisical even to see if their wishes are carried out. European women, grand exeptions apart, set no good example; some of them stay in the country for a while and then go back home, having the mentality of a curious sighseer; those that stay in the land either remain aloof, shut up in thier immediate circle,, or go Indian with a vengeance. Notheing is more amusing than to see a tall, lanky, stiff-limbed blonde draped in an ill-fitting sari and sporting a caste mark on their forehead. If this wer all, one would smile and pass on; but hese women, wishing to be very, very friendly to Indians, eat with their hand and lick their fingers with relish. You will find one sitting cross-legged in a temple and listening rapurously to a priest who was mounting pious nullities; there was another who consulted every palmist known to fame or ill-fame; there was that third one who had adopted an Indian boy and lavished every care on him, without ever realizing that he was dud; there was that forth one, a woman of extraordinary talent, who lovingly put on canvas any Indian face that sported a long beard; but let us end it here for it requires a book in itself to do justice to the new type of white in India. These women are decidedly becoming more Indian than the Indians.; they have nothing to teach their local sisters. [next will no. 096] Kind Regards! Sunder T

Monday, December 30, 2013

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.094

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.094: No.094 starting as follows: At an age when the little people should be bubbling with health and high spirits they are, in India, burdened ...


No.094 starting as follows: At an age when the little people should be bubbling with health and high spirits they are, in India, burdened with untold and unexpressed miseries. Because they cannot explain what they lack, and because they do not get what their bodies need, they look like suffering old men. This is the supreme tragedy of India- having millions and millions of tiny tots who do not know what it is to smile or laught. It is doubtful if any of our men have had a happy, normal childhood. They have just stumbled into eminence. An Indian lady, now occupying one of most coveted posts in India, said "My dear good sir, I have had no childhood; ever since I was five or six years old I have heard of nothing but causes; I think I shall die embracing a cause." We dose out children with religion, but too oftern this is not religion at all, but the scaffolding if a creedm fair-lay are not taught, yet they are what charactoer is build upon. Why Indian mothers instil discipline into Indian children? Next will continue as no.095 Kind Regards! Sunder T

Sunday, December 29, 2013


sunderblogger: sunderblogger.093: Sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.093 Indian mother loves her boys and girls, but more in the instinctive way of an animal than as an inte...


The selfish male in India will say that I am attempting to knock him off from his present pedestal of overlordship. These pedestals are to be removed. ther is no mother`s son, here or any other country, who has a right to look down upon others. The man in India has, in any case, nothing to fear. Only a free woman can give him love in all its richness, and it is this kind of love that will make him really free. Is not this something to struggle for in a land that is renewing itself? Are we so dull not to realize that significance of an existance lyrically conceived? Only such free woman can produce children who in their turn are free. At present slaves are fabricating slaves; woman of a limited outlook are bound to bring forth offspring of a limited outlook. Advancement in an atomoshere if this kind is negligible; our little ones merely learn to repeat the errors of their parents. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Blogzsunder- india_withoutmakeup.091 the day the Indian woman learns the meaning of ecstasy of love the history of India will change. Then weary, worn-out and whining women will cease to produce the fruits of un love. Copulation in India is a hunger, a habit, a hoary obligation, an option for the idle, but rarely an even-changing ceremony to wed poetry to life. But what about our masterpieces about the art of love? They are there, no doubt, but they repose in museums as it may seem. Westerners know more about them than Indian do. It was Bacon who said that the wisdom of the past lies at the bottom of a fast-flowing river, and what we see is more flotsam and jetsam. This applies with particular force to India. There, in that wonderful land, what we see is a mere mockery of what our forefathers once created. The land of May lies heavy on us. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Friday, December 27, 2013


Sunderblogger-inida_withoutmakeup.090 Indian woman has no understanding of romantic love. Most marriages in India are arranged, and those that not are worth noting. The genesis of quite a few s0-called love-marriages, reveal how much they vary from their Western prototype. An Indian girl rarely falls in love with anyone; you may think that she has forgotten the emotion; but she does swoon over one or another chap. Actually Indian woman falls for a fellow with a big job, or a big income, or a big something. The innocent man thinks that his love is returned. What a delusion! The girl submits herself to him not because she is truly enamored of him but because he can give her what she craves. Security is only a part of her goal; what motivates her is the deep-rooted desire to blacken the face of someone- that is, to out vie her rivals in pomp and glory. The husband often sees though the farce. He decorates his wife, given her all the fal-lals, and leaves her alone. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Sunderblogger.india_withoutmakeup.087 The Indian woman is no way different from her sister in any other part of the world; only she does everything more fiercely, most passionately, more single mindedly. She just cannot be alone; to escape this horror, she would busy herself with the concerns of her family, if she has one; when she has no children and no dragon of a mother-in-law to face, she would invite friends or visit them. She will, in any case, be up to something. This is about Indian upper and middle class woman, who, as in other counties, set the pace. The present if out of the picture, for she has no time or inclination even to look at herself in the mirror. She works from dawn to dusk, day and day out, until merciful death claims her; the working class woman too, is beast of burden who gets a brief respite when there is a wedding or a funeral in her home; the other women, wives, or daughters of the lower income groups (say, minor officials), have so many brats to look after that they literally spend their time from cradle to cot, from cot to cradle, attending to this or that child; the topmost layer of women, spouses of the very wealthy, the very aristocratic, or the very powerful, take up rival causes, the more outlandish the better, or paly bridge, go the races, flit from cocktail party to cocktail party, or lie in bed reading True Detective, True Confessions, and similar heartening magazines. To be sure, there are women who are wide awake and conscious of world problems, but they are too few to change the general habit of using time uncreatively. The average Indian woman moves between sour-destroying drudgery and stupid frivolling. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani

Sunday, December 22, 2013


We have to remember that Indian woman of today, like the Indian womean of all time, resembles a bullock that goes round and round in an oi0-processing mill, eyes closed with blinkers, gazing only in one direction. No wonder she has such microscopie view of the world. Of herself, as a rule, she tnederstands hardly anything. Many of her urges and aches remain unfulfilled from age to age. the accumulated frustration of the Indian woman, if given a free outlet, would blow up the entire country and some neighbouring states as well. As it is, a vast sgh rises from our soil and fills the very air we breathe with sadness. Most woman, almost everywhere, are afraid to be by themselves; they like company and are never happy without talking to someone. Gadding about, the, is a univeral feminine habit. Nothing wrong about it; increase of comaraderie, even spice with gossip, is all to the good; to hear criticism of oneself is sobering, for it pricks one`s vanity and puts one on one`s gaurd. Scanal-mongering is sometimes a beneficial social activity. Kind Regards Sunder T


In India, no change can be brought by laws or regulations. It is a question of re-educating India motherhood in a true valuation of values. On the solution of this momentous problem depends in large measure the future of Indian people, yet it has received little attention from Indian leaders. They have gone in for reforms, many of which are seen to be just chloroform. consitutional bosses have now received a further chance to be more bossy. Indian woman can now poke theri noses inot more people`s affairs. Indian female M.Ps want to stop everything that displeases them. One, a man, having for husband a lighty fellow, is all for abolishing prositution; anohter having six unmarried daughters on her hands, is keep on doing away with the dowry system; a third, possessing a rescal son-in-law, did not reest until the Divorce Bill had been passed; a fourth- but why continue? the matter is plain as pickestaff. I added ony one word; there are wonderful exceptions to the common self-contredness. Kind Regards Sunder T


Blogzsunder- india_withoutmakeup.084 In India, Sex does not enter the situation in any way; it is a matter of umbilical cord never have been cut, or if cut, tied again more firmly than ever. Mother-complex is to be met with in the West. Particularly in America, but it is omnipresent in India. Unless this outlook of the Indian woman changes, the building of a social conscience among Indian people will remain a dream. The philosophic concept of tolerance is meaningless when no values except those of the group are accepted. Universalism in such an environment is pure cant. Yet the Indian woman is the heart and soul of India; she is definitely superior to her make counterpart. It is because she is fundamentally sound that India has not perished. However, her soundness is like the soundness of a minor poet. She can sing only one tune and make a single resonance. If India is to progress, and progress along the right lines, the Indian woman must have a warmer heart and a deeper sensibility. If she had that, question of caste, color, intermarriage, inter-dining, would not upset her equanimity. Then Indian social solidarity would become something real, which alone would give cement for national oneness. Kind Regards! TheSunderkt

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Sunderblogger.199 We as human beings have power - not just to cause harm and create terror but to help ourselves of this seemingly hopeless scenario of doom and gloom. It might seem contradictory that people are empowered and empower others, merely by being kind and compassionate and not because they are overbearing, manipulative and unkind and force their view on others. A kind word, a good deed, a cring gesture, a warm simile, all these are like power kegs. Kindness and compassion spring from inner security whereas aggression and hatred come from inner insecurity. When our backs are up against the wall, positive inner resources come to the rescue. Sometimes they are invisible but in times of distress, they give us strength and help us emerge as powerful game changers. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.198 India is a funny place for business. Nitin Gadkary has proved it. Which other country can claim such a distinction, which showcases Not only multitasking abilities but also socio-economic equality? Can Barack Obama`s chauffer take on the job of a company director even while continuing to drive the US president around? Can Mitt Romey`s driver do both such jobs at the same time? Nope, It`s only in India where such inspiring success stories are possible Drivers, peons, munims(Accountants), astrologers, who are part of the Gadkari network of companies have all shown a commendable flair for business affairs and have been suitably rewarded with high corporate office. Moreover, the BJB leader is not the only one under whose benevolent disposition such enterprise has been encouraged to thrive. Similar success stories abound right across India`s political spectrum. The reason for his is simple. Unlike elsewhere, in India the danda (stick) of the law is accommodative of `h`s, as in `hera-pheri`(cheating). This small inclusion changes the danda (stick) of the law into the business of dhandha (business) as usual Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.196 We as human beings have power - not just to cause harm and Create terror but to help ourselves of this seemingly hopeless Scenario of doom, and gloom. It might seem contradictory that People are empowered and empower others, merely by being Kind and compassionate and not because they are overbearing, Manipulative and unkind and force their view on others. A kind Word, a good deed, a caring gesture, a warm simile, all these Are like power kegs. Kindness and compassion spring from Inner security whereas aggression and hatred come from Inner insecurity. When our backs are up against the wall, Positive inner resources come to the rescue. Sometimes they Are invisible but in times of distress, they give us strength And help us emerge as powerful game changers

Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.195 Life is all about connections. Our mental, emotional, physical and psychic selves only establish connections, be it with nature, people of things. We don`t know how to relate to them. We do not build relationships. When we connect with consciousness and awareness with what is around us, only then do we actually relate to them. Bu we do relate to something and that is our selfish nature. Any action based on the selfish motive will not endure long. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.194 When the vision of oneness, a higher vision, is absent it creates divisions in the family, company, community, nation and the world. Self-importance is the cause for divisions at any level. In a family there are conflicts, in a company there is manipulation, in a community there is fanaticism, in a country each state wants its own independence and internationally there are wars. This is all because of the absence of vision of oneness- one harmonious family, one strong nation, and one peaceful global family. Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.193 Stress is a disease of the 21st century. Everyone seems to be in stress from a child to a retiree. What disturbs the mind? You believe a bad boss, nagging spouse or the weather causes you grief. The truth is that nothing in the world can disturb you except yourself. Stress is defined as mental turbulence caused by unfulfilled desire. As long as a desire remains unactualised you will be in stress. Yet desire is being recklessly fuelled and people are n stress. When you rise above desire and work for something beyond, the object of desire comes to you. Then you can enjoy it thoroughly with a calm mind. So what is the way out? The first step is to manage desire with intellect. If the intellect approves, go ahead and fulfill the desire without fear or guilt. But if the intellect vetoes it, keep away. This gives relief. The next step is desire reduction by upgrading desires. Pick up a higher desire. The lower one drops. Finally, when the lure of the Infinite grips you all desires vanish. You are in Bliss. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.192 to live life is to be related and in every relationship there are three factors, the subject, object and their connection. If the relationship is harmonious, life is harmonious; if not, life is disharmonious. The art of wisely relating to life and heightening the spirits is being spiritual. Best Wishes Sunder Thadani