Friday, September 5, 2014

sunderblogger.Distance Memories.02.050914

Event before India's partition in 1947
Kuldip Nayar had checked Mountbatten`s premonition with his Press Attache in India during those days, Alan Campbell-Johnson, Cyril Radcliffe, who headed the Boundary Commission to partition the two Punjabs, and the two Bengals, and H.K.Khurshid, Jinnah`s Private Secretary,. All the three said that it was Mountbatten`s hindsight. However the rest of what Mountbatten told Kuldip Nayar is supported by the records he had maintained of various interviews and personal talks he had-as many as a hundred and thirty three interviews with political leaders between 24 March and 6 May 1947 alone.
Mountbatten recalled how he hd warned Jinnah that it would be very difficult to hold together the two wings with no land connection and 1000 miles of alien territory in between. "the Bengalis cultural ties are too strong; you know how Curzon tried and failed." (The reference was to the vain effort that Lord Curzon, as Viceroy, made to partition this should read: Bengal.) Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.