Thursday, January 30, 2014


[continue as no.122 - The few great minds that India has created had to discover the importance of discipline for themselves; their homes or society did not give it to them as their birthright. Naturaly, a good many years of theri lives were squandered in this effort. More: having to deal with undisplined people, their work was multiplied, for they had to begin with everyone anew. Indian society has suffered considerably because it has failed to organze the home on a rathonal basis. Ancient Indians realized the true significance of displine. In fact, they understood by education control of the body, mind and spirit. Hence the word for teaching in all the Indian language is "sikshana", which means displine.[will continues as no.123] Kind Regards - Sunder T

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


this blog is continueing as no. 121- The Indian grows up to be not an integrated erson, but a creature of untamed urgesand impulses. He wants many things but he knows not the right way to get them. With him, at all times, it is grab, grab, grab. Because of this attitude there is a colossal waste of human material in India. souls full of energy go about not knowing how to use this energy for their own good or for the good of others. They are likethe turbulent waters of ariver that quenches no thirst but runs into a vast desert. If harnessed, the stream could fecundate the earth or produce power to light the world. [next will continue as no. 122] Kind Regards! Sunder T

Monday, January 27, 2014


- [this blog is no. 120] By this time you know how an average Indian character is bred in selfishness. It is sucked in, so to speak with the mother`s milk. Indians are tought not to share their advantages with others but to stick to them for themselves. "That is for you," the father will say to his first born, offering a gift, "go and hide it." The mother behaves in similiar fashion; she will buy delicacies and give them on the sly to her youngest child. One day she is certain to be found out, and then will rise a terrific rumpus. But it subsidies as quickly as it comes. In Indian homes no attempt is made to treat all the children alike; there are always the favourites, who make their position felt by everyone. S, when ther is complete character-chaos in the home, how is the child to aquire either personal discipline or the social graces to guide its life? Unfortunate being, it is in a whirpol and goes round and round withou any ballast. [next will continues as # 121]Kind Regards! Sunder T

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


india_withoutmakeup is continueing as no.119- In India among the poort, so far as eating habits go, there is not any great difference; only now it is the poor mother who drudges instead of a domestic. The eldest child is a privilage person; nobody musy say nay to him. Even if his ways are extravagent or absurd they must be respected,. Second in importance is the baby of the family. Between tese two the houshold runs; the other children have to take what they can get, and grow up to be bitter, jealous, vindictive. Funny things happen. A jealous yourng boy burning little holes with a match in the trousers of his eldest brother, and thery spoiling his best suits. [next wil continue as no. 120] Kind Regards! Sunder T

Monday, January 20, 2014


In India, things become more complicated when the family is rich or aritocract; then each member of it, male or female, will want more amenities at more erratic hours. One girl, attending a college, will order the car, say, three o`clock and go off without consultingany one; her sister, having an appointment at a later hour, will commandeer another car, if there is a spare one, and make off, or stand on the verandah, fretting and fuming. when the chaufferur returns, he will receive a dressing down because he was not to be found when wanted. The man expalins that he had no alternative but to obey the instructions of her senior, who as everyone knew, had a prior right to most things. In the evening there is a first class row, in which all join, and at last the principle of romogeniture is once again established. Kind Regards! Sunder T - [next will continue as no. 119]

Sunday, January 19, 2014


[continueing as no. 117 - Indian home is quite a typical home. When luch or dinner is to be prepared the situation is farce. The head of the house is in despair. Finally, after much argumentation, a compromise is reached, which in the end pleases no one. But that is not all: one sone will turn up at eight 0`clock and ask for a hot meal; another will arrive long, past midnight, wake the snoring cook, and order his food. It is is not only the menfolk who act in this way but the girls as well; each of them feels hungry at a different time. No consideration whatsoever is shown to the servant, who is in charge of the kitchen; he has to sit in fornt of braziers or gas stoves from early morning to very late in the night. Oftern a spoiled chil will request for something, and then, when dish is brought before him, change his mind and ask for a different fare. [The next will continue as no. 118] Kind Regards! - Sunder T

Saturday, January 18, 2014


continueing as no. 116- The foundation of all discipline lies, at home, but an Indian home, rich or poor, is a veritable bedlam. Here, apart from the tyrannny of a single individual, male or female, everybody does as he or she likes. Obedience, if any, is verbal: the root behaviour is based on personal comfort and advantage. Let us enter an Indian home at breakfast-time. No member of the family, if it is well off, wants to eat the same things; one desires boiled eggs and tea, an other, something else, a third, what he or she happens to fancy at the moment, and so the demands are made. The poor cook tries to satisfy six or seven people at the same time. He fails to do this and gets everone a berating.[next will continue as no. 117]


[continueing as no. 115]Light must break though. Indians will soon understand that he who who saves only himself is bound to end up by desttroying himself. Jesus had to lay aside power in order to help. He regarded even almightiness as useless. His hands had to be nailed to the cross to prevent him from doing good. Gandhi, too, was make of the same mettle. When India was celebrating her independence he was moving on the dusty roads of Indian villages, with pilgrim staff in hand, trying to console the fear-stricken. He had to be buthered to stop him from drying the tears of the unhappy not only in Indian but in all lands. Was this teaching in vain? When will the self of the Indian learn to disperse itself in others? [will continue as no. 116

Friday, January 17, 2014


[continueing as no.114] Labour movements existed in the West and their chief aim is to secure for workers adequate wages and continous employment, which alone can improve their standard of living. This idea is unknown to Indian working classes. These men can either be ground down or made to demand imposssible terms. They just do not understand their own interests, nor di they have any ambition to plan for a life-long prosperty. Indian, not excluding the educated, are branded with the iron of selfishness. Even our elite are not free from it. Where is our thinkers or artist who is pleased at the success of his rival or clolleague? As for working for the food of all, that is not to be dreamed of. Every one of our intellectuals thinks that he is the only intellectual in India. the others, they can`t be any good, can they? Perhaps it is this thirst for infinity that has made Indians seek the Absolute. It is Indian fate to from darkness into greater darkness. [next will continue as no. 115] Kind Regards! Sunder T

Thursday, January 16, 2014


contiueing as no. 113- An elderly woman, lean and dark as a crow`s feather, stepped forward and, falling on her knnes, said: "We have nowhere to go and nothing to eat. Please help us, please, please." Here the Minister detached himself, shifted from one foot to another, and thus spoke: "You people are lazy. Why don`t you do something off your own bat? Why must you always wait for the Government to help you? However, U`ll see to it that you get some food and mateal to construct new huts." All the officials climbed into their cars and returned to the Minister`s house, where a banquet had been arranged for the evening. What was amazing not that we had a sumptuous meal, over which no one spoke of the plight of the victims of the flood, but that none of those who suffered rebelled. They just took their lot for granted. One day in the most distant furture the Indian under-dogs will revolt. There are signs thatthey are beginning to be conscious that something is readically wrong somewhere. When they come to a full realization of theri position, that theri ills are mostly man-made, they will begin to smash up everything. At present all is not quite on the Indian front; there is no thunder as yet but an immense rumbling. [next will continue as no. 114] Kind Regards1 Sunder T


Some years ago there were floods in a certain state in India. Many poor people lost their houses, belongings, and, what was worse for them, their only cow or goat. This scene can make anyone ashamed of certain things in India. There in front stood fifty or sixty homeless people, all huddled together on a dry piece of land, their clothes wet and their teeth chattering. They were cold and hungry, with utter despair in their eyes. Seeing officials before them, they rose to their feet, waded through the slush, and approached them withhands folded in respect. They took a minor military officer to be the Minister, for he was in rsplendent uniform, while the real Minister, wearing dhoti and sandals, looked like any other ordinary Indian. [next will continue as no. 113] Kind Regards! Sunder T

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogzsunder.150114: blogzsunder.150114 blogzsunder Will Rahul Gandhi`s push for internal reforms help Congress in the ...

sunderblogger: blogzsunder.150114

blogzsunder.150114 blogzsunder Will Rahul Gandhi`s push for internal reforms help Congress in the long run? Applicants for a particular seat will have to garner votes from party workers to obtain party US-style election primaries It might be too late to effect a massive turnaround in Congress`s fortunes for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. But promoting young leaders and internal party democracy will hold Congress in good stead in the long run. .

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogge.blogspot. india_withoutmakeup.111

sunderblogger: sunderblogge.blogspot. india_withoutmakeup.111: Indian profiteers, who merely accumulate wealth irrespective of social consequesces, will one day end up like our friend the medieval bis...

sunderblogge.blogspot. india_withoutmakeup.111

Indian profiteers, who merely accumulate wealth irrespective of social consequesces, will one day end up like our friend the medieval bishop. They are frantically digging their own graves. The folly and cupidity of some of Indians are staggering. During the much-talked-of Bengal famine, when horror piled upon horror, and children could be seen in the streets with emaciated faces and bloated bellies, oftern picking up bits of food from the rubbish heaps or dustbins, grain lay in huge quantities in godowns and could be had at a price. The whole thing was blamed on to the British, but not a word was said about our own dear delightful bakckmarketeers. And then to make the sombre picture still more ghastly, at that difficult time the big hotels in Mumbai, Bengal. Delhi gave for one meal encough food to satisfy the hunger of four ment. Even now, while some have not enough to eat, others waste enormous quantities of food. [next will continue as no. 112] Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: india_withoutmakeup.110

Walter Lipmann once said that revolutions were not the work of the scheming intellectuals or the disgrunted elements, bt were entirely due to the stupidity of the conservatives and the well-to-do clases. That is true. If a revolution comes to India, as it well might, it will be because of the folly of our moneyed calssles- by they merchats, landlords, or industrialists. These men, as we see them today, are happily waling on dynamite which their own short-sighttedness has planted and are lighting their way with matches. Unless they reorient their policy, they are likely to go up in flames. [next will continue as no. 111] Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: india_withoutmakeup.109

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: india_withoutmakeup.109: India has a peculiar set up. Each Indian likes to play lone wolf, hoping to keep all the profits to himself, he refuses to work with othe...

sunderblogger: india_withoutmakeup.109

India has a peculiar set up. Each Indian likes to play lone wolf, hoping to keep all the profits to himself, he refuses to work with others, even when he realizes that by so doing he could turn a losing proposition into a paying one. He believes in all for himself or nothing. This is the basic reason why parnerships in India are never a success. Because of such mentality the concept of a joint-stock company did not germinate in India economic thinking. Even today it has not fully taken root. Indian workers are no less self-centered that our other classes. They live and toil for the day. Excellent craftsmen many of them are, but they do not believe in producing anything with sustained offort, nor do they maintain the same standard which might procure for them steady orders. Indians are thus their own destroyers, because they work entirely for personal, immediate interessts; their prosperity is not uniform, and they don`t look to the future or to the future of their trade. If Indian merchants and industrialists realized the value of co-operation they would make more money and with greater safety. In this way they would not only enrich themselves but also others, which would a reassurance of their own prosperity. As they have failed to appreciate this, their wealth does not stand on secure foundations. [Next will continue as no. 110] Kind Regards! TheSunderkt

Monday, January 13, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogpost.130114b



SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF INDIAN WOMEN, MEN AND TRANSGENDER PEOPLE WITHIN INDIA, BOTH ADULTS AND CHILDREN, IS WIDESPREAD Sexual exploitation of Indian women, men, transgender people and children within India, is widespread.12 Commercial sexual exploitation takes place in specific established areas but is also now much more dispersed into rural areas, transport hubs, roadside restaurants and houses in suburban areas, extensively using cell phones, making it harder to locate and tackle. Foreign women, largely from Nepal and Bangladesh, have been identified in situations of commercial sexual exploitation.13 In 2011, the ILO Committee of Experts “noted the Government [of India’s] indication in its 2008 Report that since the enactment of the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 (BLSA), 287,555 bonded labourers had been identified, of whom 267,593 had been rehabilitated.”14 However, the ILO Committee of Experts also noted that “findings from research studies showed that bonded labour in agriculture and in industries like mining, brick kilns, silk and cotton production, and bidi making was likely to be affecting millions of workers across the country.”15 The ILO Committee of Experts has urged India to undertake national bonded labour surveys. Also, the identification and rehabilitation noted by the ILO Experts happened a long time ago, and in many Indian States local officials are not currently encouraged or supported to find bonded labourers.16 The 2012 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons noted a global dimension to trafficking flows originating in South Asia.17 Indian nationals who have migrated for work have found themselves in modern slavery – often involving recruitment intermediaries and debt bondage – around the world. They have been exploited in various industries including construction, mining, agriculture and hospitality, in manual labour and commercial sexual exploitation, as well as in private domestic work and as domestic staff at Indian diplomatic missions abroad. Kind Regards! Sunder T